The adverse effects of tobacco and the substances in its smoke on human health render tobacco use one of the most significant and preventable public health issues in the world and our country. The use of tobacco products is directly responsible for over 8 million of the fatalities that occur worldwide, while 1.2 million are caused by exposure to tobacco smoke, according to the World Health Organization (WHO) report.
Intensive tobacco industry intervention and marketing are frequently directed at low- and middle-income countries, where 80% of tobacco consumers reside. These countries also have the highest burden of disease and mortality as a result of tobacco use.
Each year, 65,000 children succumb to maladies caused by passive smoking, and half of the world's children inhale air contaminated with tobacco smoke, as indicated by DST data. The use of tobacco products during pregnancy results in a variety of health issues that will persist for the duration of the baby's existence.
The "Framework Convention on Tobacco Control" was ratified by member countries at the 56th World Health Assembly of the DST in Geneva on March 21, 2003, in response to the growing global tobacco use and the health risks it poses. It was implemented in our country in 2004. In order to promote healthy living, raise awareness of the dangers of tobacco use, and encourage tobacco users to cease, February 9 is commemorated annually in our country as World No Tobacco Day, with a variety of events. This is part of the ongoing tobacco control efforts.
The development of lung cancer and other cancers, as well as the emergence of many respiratory diseases, particularly heart diseases and COPD (chronic obstructive pulmonary disease), are primarily attributed to cigarettes, which are the most widely used tobacco products in the world and in our country. Additionally, cigarettes are a serious addictive substance that has a variety of negative physical, social, and economic consequences.
The ALO 171 Smoking Cessation Counseling Line offers a free, 24/7 service to citizens who wish to raise awareness about the dangers of smoking and cease, in addition to the legal regulations that have been implemented to combat this addiction. Furthermore, our Ministry has implemented smoking cessation clinics that offer personalized treatment methods and multidisciplinary approaches to assist individuals in their efforts to cease smoking. The initial step in the process of applying to smoking cessation clinics is to conduct a comprehensive interview with the applicant. Additionally, depression and anxiety tests are administered, the individual's nicotine addiction level is determined, and the presence of any additional disorders is investigated. Subsequently, respiratory function tests, lung radiography, blood tests, and carbon monoxide level measurements are implemented to ascertain the individual's overall health status and the physiological modifications that this addiction may have induced. The patient is initiated on the appropriate cessation treatment based on the results of the examination and tests, as well as the severity of their addiction. Psychological counseling and referrals to dieticians to assure weight control are also provided in the smoking cessation clinics located in the Healthy Life Centers, which are designed to offer multidisciplinary services to individuals who require them. Quit smoking today and do yourself a favor!