"I Grow My Own Vegetables: Vegetable Growing As a Hobby" course will be organized by the Continuing Education Application and Research Center Directorate in order to teach vegetable growing techniques and improve existing knowledge...
A seminar on "MAXQDA Applied Qualitative (Phenomenological) Research" will be given by the Research Methodology Education and Application Office Coordinator. Detailed information about the seminar is available in the attached document.
Within the scope of the conditions determined at the meeting of the General Council of Higher Education on March 28. 2022, and of the principles included in the "Ataturk University Ukraine Higher Education Institutions Lateral Transfer...
Announcement of Assignment Request for ATA-AÖF 2021-2022 Spring Term Midterm ExamFor academic and administrative personnel who want to take part in the ATA-AÖF 2021-2022 Spring Term Midterm Exam, which will be held by Atatürk University...
Dear Academics,An important study for our university has been completed within the scope of the New Generation University Design and Transformation Project. Academic Performance Evaluation will be carried out with 703 academic indicators,...
Applications for the National Internship Program (USP), initiated by the Presidential Human Resources Office, continue in order to ensure that our youth benefit from internship opportunities offered by public institutions and private...
Click for detailed information about the 'Speaking Club' organized by the International Language Exams Coordinatorship (ATAILE).
ATATÜRK UNIVERSITY OPEN EDUCATION FACULTY (ATA-AÖF)ATA-AÖF 2021-2022 Academic Year Spring Term Final Exam Question Preparation/Question Inspection Specialist Task Request Announcement (Academic Staff) For the academic staff who want...