A video about the application of COVID-19 vaccine has been prepared by the General Directorate of Public Health. The related video can be accessed from the link https://covid19asi.saglik.gov.tr/TR-81772/halka-yonelik.html?Sayfa=2.
Vocational guidance services are provided online by the Career Planning and Graduate Tracking Application and Research Center of our university for our associate, undergraduate, graduate and doctoral students. Students who want to...
Detailed information about "Addiction Fighting Studies" can be found at Erzurum Provincial Directorate of Health's Tobacco and Substance Addiction Unit web page link "https://erzurumism.saglik.gov.tr/TR-186301/tutun-ve-madde-bagimliligi-ile...
The scientific periodical journal named Journal Of Energy Recovery And TransferProcesses, created by the Faculty of Engineering of our university, has started its publication life. Detailed information about the journal can be found...