Vision and Mission
The Department of Painting has adopted a curriculum that is unique in information societies and aims at training intellectual individual artists. In the applied studio courses that push the boundaries of the traditional studio system, the aim is to increase the power of the candidate artists to recognize, define and interpret the relations among the objects in the outside world, and to have the ability to choose and use appropriate tools in artistic expression and concept creation. Moreover, in the theoretical courses, our faculty, with an awareness of history, keenness on aesthetics, cultural equipment, and community and environmental sensitivity, has focused on the recognition of our students and graduates as respected, effective and leading individuals in the national and international platforms. Representing our university and our faculty and thanks to its goal of being a department that has achieved scientific and artistic excellence, the department has constructive, creative, healing, transformative, critical, libertarian, participatory, reliable, academic, and ethical characteristics and so that it advocates the universal values adhering to Atatürk's Principles and Revolutions and without compromising the fundamental values of the Republic.