Department of Food Processing

Manager's Message

Our Food Processing Department has two different programs within the Erzurum Vocational School, the Food Technology Program and the Food Quality Control and Analysis Program. Our department's programs will be able to check whether the production processes are healthy and in compliance with certain standards by using applicable methods in businesses that process vegetable and animal raw materials and produce food products suitable for consumption in accordance with the laws and regulations determined in the food industry to ensure safe food production. These are associate degree higher education programs that aim to train intermediate manpower or to train specialists who can open and run businesses on their behalf.

Graduates of the Food Technology Program are given the Associate Degree and Food Technician Profession title, while Food Quality Control and Analysis Program graduates are given the title of Food Quality Control and Analysis Technician. Our students who have successfully graduated from our department are in the laboratories of the Food Engineering Faculties, the Food Hygiene and Technology Research and Application Laboratories of the Veterinary Faculties, the nutrition and dietetics departments of the Faculty of Health Sciences, the Research and Application laboratories of the Agricultural Biotechnology Department of the Faculties of Agriculture, the biology and chemistry departments of the Faculty of Arts and Sciences, colleges laboratory etc. It can work in both production and laboratory departments in every branch of the food industry. In addition, they can work in public institutions such as the Ministry of Food, Agriculture and Livestock, Ministry of Forestry Control Laboratories, Institute of Hygiene, Municipalities, Provincial Health Directorates and in the food industry affiliated to the private sector, or their own dairy, etc. By establishing businesses, they can open private businesses. Especially, the demands of our graduates from the catering industry and food processing factories are increasing day by day.

Atatürk Üniversitesi Rektörlüğü
25240 Erzurum
Rectorship: +90 442 231 1111
Faculty of Open and Distance Education: +90 850 255 0282
Research Hospital: +90 442 344 6666
Clinical Dentistry: +90 442 236 0944

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