Atatürk University


The rector of Atatürk University Prof. Dr. Ömer Çomaklı continues to visit faculty, department and office.

Rector Çomaklı, who continues his visits to the unit which he started from the day he took office and continued decelerating, meets with academic staff and listens to their opinions and suggestions.

Rector Çomaklı, who also exchanged ideas in addition to having a pleasant conversation, said that academic studies are very valuable in the advancement of Atatürk University and its ability to compete with world universities. He stated that they had developed important projects for Atatürk University which has a separate place in the country's higher education to keep up with the age and that left behind half a century.

Sharing the steps taken within the scope of the New Generation University Design and Transformation Project with the academic staff in the departments and faculties he visited, Rector Çomaklı said that 29 units have been established, many passive units have been activated and the units with deficiencies have been restructured.

The Search For The Common Mind Continues

Prof. Dr. Ömer Çomaklı said that they carried out the search conference with 19 participants with a team of 200 people from outside the institution and 1000 people from within the institution in this 3-year period, and emphasized that 43 projects were identified in this context and organized the Future Search Conference of Erzurum, which is of great importance to the city, in December.

Referring to weekend visits, Çomaklı said that he met with many foundations, associations and NGOs and representatives of the industrial world at the point of community integration, and that he had the opportunity to learn the needs of the city closely.

Çomaklı underlined that they have taken steps in accordance with the new YÖK vision, which was initiated under the auspices of President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan and under the leadership of the Chairman of the Higher Education Council, M. A. Yekta Saraç, and added a mission of cooperation with the society to education and training and research-development which are among the main tasks of universities.

Referring to the fact that many breakthroughs have taken place from digital transformation to corporate communication, from data management office to human resources office, Rector Çomaklı said that the effectiveness of these moves would be possible with total effort.

"May Your Efforts Continue”

Rector Çomaklı, who exchanged views with academics during visits to the department and faculty, did not neglect to draw attention to various issues. Çomaklı: "It is our most important task to take the whole community, especially the region we are in, one step further and prepare it for the future. Another task is to educate people who will be a light on the future of the country. We will continue to serve our country in this union. The young people we will entrust to our future will be your work. For this reason, I wish that all my friends will always have the desire to teach and work. We care about the opinions and opinions of all our staff. Without forgetting the academic background and culture of the past, we will continue to work as a university that is open to innovation and has the strength and belief to lead development in every field. We care highly about the projects and academic work carried out by our academics. With their efforts, I believe that Atatürk University will be among the top 5 universities in Turkey and the top 500 universities in the world.”

Rector Çomaklı, examining the physical and technical infrastructure of all units closely, received information from managers about developments, projects, techniques and applications. Moreover, he added that they would continue to provide all necessary support to all units, stating that they would produce solutions to urgent problems immediately.


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25240 Erzurum
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Research Hospital: +90 442 344 6666
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