Atatürk University


Atatürk University Rector Prof. Dr. Ahmet Hacımüftüoğlu attended the T3 Foundation-organized Trainer Camp's Opening Program.

 The T3 Foundation Trainer Training Program is being conducted in Erzurum from September 11–13, and trainers from Discovery Campus and Bilim Turkey will be attending. With the involvement of 25 centre managers and 125 trainers from 25 centres throughout Turkey, Cyprus, and Azerbaijan, the program holds a large gathering.

 The three days of training will cover thirty various topics related to educational sciences, natural sciences, technology, astronomy, mathematics, design, entrepreneurship, and agriculture that workshop teachers may need to know throughout their training. Field-based trainings will take place on the second and third days of the program, after pedagogical trainings on the first day.

 At the camp's opening program were Erzurum Governor Mustafa Çiftçi, Mayor of Erzurum Metropolitan Municipality Mehmet Sekmen, Rector of Atatürk University Prof. Dr. Ahmet Hacımüftüoğlu, Rector of Erzurum Technical University Prof. Dr. Bülent Çakmak, President of T3 Foundation Elvan Kuzucu Hıdır, and pertinent managers of public institutions and trainers.

 "We are aiming for a generation that produces for its country and humanity," stated President Hıdır.

 In his inaugural address, T3 Foundation President Elvan Kuzucu Hıdır said that the Science Turkey project has advanced significantly in just six years from its inception in Üsküdar in 2018 thanks to Selçuk Bayraktar's invaluable efforts and services. Declaring that a total of twenty-two science centres across three nations are currently operating, Hıdır said they are glad and proud to have reached the friendly and connected communities through our Bilim Baku and Nicosia centres in Northern Cyprus and Azerbaijan: "With our foundation-implemented projects, we aim for a generation that will research and produce in line with the National Technology Move's vision, benefiting its country and humanity." In our Science Turkey initiative, we develop young people who learn to discover as trainings in various workshops and who are curious about science and engineering by offering long-term scientific and technology-oriented trainings in technology workshops and discovery campuses. Our goal is to raise Özdemir Bayraktar and Aziz Sancars at our nation's research centres and assist our locally raised youth in reaching their rightful places, first for the good of their own nation and subsequently for the sake of all humankind.

 Bülent Çakmak, Rector of ETU: "The Bottom Wave is Coming with a Rise"

 Prof. Dr. Bülent Çakmak, the rector of Erzurum Technical University, said that the university has observed firsthand the significance of these programs, particularly in the Teknofest competitions, which have been growing in number in recent years. He also said that the technological revolution has created a bottom wave that is currently rising and that they now anticipate young people will ride this wave. Rector Çakmak stated that the program organised by the T3 Foundation and held here today is highly significant, adding, "As a university, we are carrying out studies on many fields from artificial intelligence to 3D, from software to virtual reality." Through our workshops, we use science to unite people of all ages—not just our university students, but also our young ones. In Bilim Erzurum, T3 Foundation is still working towards the same goal with the Erzurum Metropolitan Municipality's assistance. With these ideas in mind, I believe the camp will contribute to good actions.

 "Science Interest Increased with the National Technology Move," says Rector Hacımüftüoğlu.

 The Rector of Atatürk University, Prof. Dr. Ahmet Hacımüftüoğlu, began his speech by mentioning that he has been following the work of T3 Foundation for a long time and that it has conducted groundbreaking studies for young people interested in science. He also expressed his happiness to be with you today in this significant program that combines science, technology, and education. "The T3 Foundation's Trainer Camp Opening Program is a fantastic chance for us to connect with important trainers who will influence the future of our educational landscape." Rector Hacımüftüoğlu stated that age and brain development are directly related and that delaying this period of time will prevent the person from developing certain abilities. He said, "I find the step of meeting with science at an early age, which constitutes an important pillar of the National Technology Move, very important." It is crucial that science be studied till high school, secondary school, and even lower, that science be ingrained in children's developing brains, that there be a greater density of neurones in that part of the brain, and that the brain's connected areas take up more space.

 "I hope the trainings provided will serve as a source of motivation."
 Rector Hacımüftüoğlu stated that as Atatürk University, they always support innovative projects in order to carry science and education to the highest level and said: ‘In this context, this programme, which was held with the participation of 125 trainers and 25 centre managers from Turkey, Cyprus and Azerbaijan, is extremely valuable in terms of sharing knowledge and experience at the international level. The pedagogical trainings given on the first day of the training and the field-based trainings to be held on the second and third days will take your competence in your field one step further. I sincerely believe that these trainings, which will be offered in a wide range of fields from educational sciences to technology, from mathematics to entrepreneurship, will make significant contributions to raising the scientists and technologists of the future. On this occasion, I would like to take this opportunity to thank the T3 Foundation and all stakeholders who contributed to the realisation of this programme. I hope that the knowledge and experience you, esteemed trainers, will gain in this camp will be a source of inspiration for the centres where you work and your students. I am very honoured to welcome you in Erzurum and I wish you a successful training process.’

President Sekmen: ‘With the steps taken, we will start to take a strong place on the world stage again’

Mayor of Metropolitan Municipality Mehmet Sekmen, who started his speech by expressing his happiness to host you valuable trainers in Erzurum, made the following statements about the programme ‘We are a great nation; we have established strong states throughout history and guided humanity. However, states, like nations, are born, grow, develop and need new technologies and science to survive. Unfortunately, we are lagging behind in this race, but we are working to rise again from our ashes. At this point, I would like to especially thank the T3 Foundation and the Bayraktar group. Before establishing Bilim Erzurum in Erzurum, we invited Haluk Bayraktar here and had him give a conference at Atatürk University. Our aim is not only to meet our own needs as a nation, but also to meet the needs of the world. We see that there is no justice around us and the strong oppress the weak. Therefore, we must revive our civilisation and become strong by advancing in technology.’

Explaining the days when they decided to establish the Science Centre in Erzurum, Mayor Sekmen said: ‘Because we wanted the young people of Anatolia not to be left behind, we wanted to offer them opportunities. We have two universities and these institutions are working to contribute to the development of Turkey. As the municipality, we are making investments in the medical field and other sectors. We have started work to establish a serum factory in Erzurum and we plan to increase the production of medical products. Finally, I would like to emphasise that being modern is not about looks, but about the development of minds. Acting with this awareness, we should contribute to the development of our country and take a strong place on the world stage again. Seeing that T3 Foundation and Bayraktar Group are taking important steps towards this mission makes us even more hopeful for the future. With these thoughts, I hope that the camp will contribute to the development of young minds and I wish it to be auspicious.’

Governor Çiftçi ‘Events such as Teknofest play a critical role in terms of the promotion of technological activities’

Erzurum Governor Mustafa Çiftçi, who took the floor lastly, said that they are very happy to host the trainers of young people who are interested in science in Erzurum, the city of knowledge and wisdom. Stating that the world is changing rapidly and is in a state of constant development, Governor Çiftçi said: ‘In the 21st century, when technology is developing rapidly, our country should not only follow this change, but also direct this process. Under the leadership of our President, we are working to increase technological independence and competition with a domestic and national perspective. With our thousands of years of experience, inspired by the important names raised by our civilisation, we are in great need of the work of our youth to produce our own technology and compete in artificial intelligence. Events such as Teknofest play a critical role in promoting technological activities to the society. T3 Foundation has assumed a great responsibility in these projects and makes a significant contribution to the production of domestic and national technology. These steps taken for our trainers to develop the skills of young people in the field of technology are extremely critical for the future of our country. I would like to thank each of our educators who will contribute to the national technology move and wish them success.’


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