Atatürk University


For university-industry collaboration which is one of the branches of the New Generation Design and Transformation Project that take Atatürk University to a higher level in terms of science, industry and technology, new ones have been added.

The projects ofAtatürk University Erzurum Vocational College, İspir Hamza Polat Vocational College and Pasinler Vocational College , which applied to 3 different projects announced by the Northeast Anatolian Development Agency (KUDAKA), were entitled to be supported with a total of 1 million 307 thousand TL.

AtaturkUniversity vocational colleges which are entitled to receive support in thefield of vocational education for the provinces of North-eastern Anatolia through various projects announced by KUDAKA, will contribute to  educational and scientific studies of North-eastern Anatolia with the budgets provided.

Erzurum Vocational College will Train Qualified Personnel 

Erzurum Vocational College, applied with the project “University and Industry are in collaboration and so Vocational Education will have Great Success” and entitled to receive support will train qualified and skilled experienced personnels who can meet the requirements of labour by making university come together with industry and employer. 

The budget of the project, in which the vocational education system will be provided to meet the requirements of the labor market, has been determined as 510 thousand TL. In the project, where 25 students selected from each department will receive 336 hours of on the job training in total, students who successfully complete the training will be able to be employed under the umbrella of the Organized Industrial Zone (OSB) or by other enterprises in the region.

İspir VocationalCollege will set up 2 different laboratories with the support provided

Ispir Vocational School, which participated in “the Financial Support Program for the Development of Vocational Education of KUDAKA  with its project “ personnel who are not intermediate but highly trained” and supported with an amount of 328 Thousand TL,will establish two laboratories equipped with the latest technology for Biomedical Device Technology and Electricity Departments.

In addition to the theoretical trainings, students will be given practical trainings through experiments in laboratories. In this way, it is aimed that students graduated not as intermediate staff, but as highly trained staff.

Pasinler Vocational College Received Support of 469TL

Pasinler Vocational College, which had applied to KUDAKA with the project “Acquire a Professionfor Your Future” and was found successful, was entitled to be supported with 469 Thousand TL. Thanks to the project, it is aimed to strengthen university-industry cooperation by increasing the quality of vocational education in Pasinler Vocational College in which 3  advanced, fully equipped laboratories with high quality education will be established for the departments of Computer Technologies,  Map and Construction.

Thanks to the improving education quality and the equipment given to the laboratories and the practical trainings they will receive, a total of 721 students studying in Computer Technologies, Construction and Map Departments will be trained to be  expert technicians with the knowledge, skills, attitudes and professional habits required by their profession. On the other hand, while it is stated that the “Student-Sector Meeting” event will be held with this project, students who increase their professional qualifications will have high material and non-material opportunities in the businesses they are employed.

“We are Contributing to Our Country's Qualified Person  Needs”

Stating that they were  entitled to be supported by KUDAKA with the projects prepared by Atatürk  University Vocational Schools, the Rector Prof. Dr. Ömer Çomaklı said that  these projects will serve as a model for other units of the university.

Considering the goal of  our country to be one of the 10 largest economies of the world in 2023, Rector  Çomaklı stated that achieving this goal can be possible only with qualified information  production and qualified human factor and emphasized the Vocational Colleges  contribute to qualified person potential with these projects.

The Rector Çomaklı said:  “The countries such as Turkey considered in the category rapidly developing and  rising power also aim to develop regional ties and regional development which  is one of the important stages of globalization and to provide integration in  this field with the effort to fulfill the requirements of international studies. Through these projects, we both strengthen  our ties with KUDAKA, one of the strongest institutions of our region, and added  value to our university. In  this context, I wish our projects, whose applications are responded positively,  to be beneficial to our university, and I express my gratitude to those who  contributed.”


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