Atatürk University


Atatürk University Rector Prof. Dr. Ömer Çomaklı published a message on the occasion of 14 March Medicine Day. Rector Çomaklı used the following statements in his message:

“Health is one of the most cherished blessings of the world. Curing the disease begins with the development of medical science. Medicine is advancing at a rapid pace with the help of new technologies. However, the factor that does not change in this progress and always preserves its importance in the first place is the health worker. In spite of the changes in knowledge, equipment and technology, the human value of the healthcare worker who uses them and puts his heart, effort and patience into his work increases incrementally."

"The fight against Covid-19, which has become a part of our lives in recent years, continues with all the possibilities of modern medicine. It is very difficult to find an expression of our gratitude to the healthcare workers in this war with their hearts and self-sacrifice, for all their physical and mental efforts." he added.

He said: with this feeling of gratitude, I congratulate the Medicine Day, which we celebrate every year on March 14, and the efforts of all medical professionals will not be forgotten.

Prof. Dr. Ömer ÇOMAKLI
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25240 Erzurum
Rectorship: +90 442 231 1111
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Research Hospital: +90 442 344 6666
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