Atatürk University


A Prize giving ceremony was held for Atatürk University faculty members who carried out scientific projects in 2020 and 2021 and were entitled to receive patents.

Atatürk University Rector Prof. Dr. Ömer Çomaklı, vice-rectors, faculty deans, vocational school managers, bureau managers, academics, and their families attended the "2020 and 2021 Scientific Project and Patent Prize Giving Ceremony" held at the July 15 National Will Hall.

Rector Prof. Dr. Ömer Çomaklı gave the opening speech of the ceremony. He stated that since 2016, Atatürk University has been seriously contemplating how it will restructure its academic values, educational methodologies and social role with the requirements of being a modern university. He also underlined that, together with the management team, they are toiling to move Atatürk University to a universal world university from being a regional university following this vision.

“We Carry Out Our Extensive Work Systematically”

Rector Çomaklı: "Atatürk University is now on its way where it will be positioned as a university that is at the fore of universal science, that works with a problem-oriented approach and can produce scientific solutions to social problems, that is responsive to social demands, as well as directing societal demands." Emphasizing that they systematically carry out extensive work at the university to achieve these goals, he said that this effort became perceptible thanks to the New Generation University Design and Transformation Project and started to produce significant outcomes.

Rector Çomaklı: "In addition to having a place in higher ranks in national and international higher education ranking institutions, we successfully passed the evaluation process within the scope of the Institutional Accreditation Program carried out by the Higher Education Quality Board (YÖKAK) in 2021 and received an accreditation certificate for two years. Immediately after this vital success, our university was awarded the title of Research University due to a thorough evaluation process carried out by HCE. Although these developments are pleasing to us, they require us to revise the policies that we carry out in education, research, and contribution to society, and impose essential responsibilities on our managers and all our members.

“We Encourage Our Academics to Produce”

We are aware that the institutional development of Atatürk University is only possible with the high belonging and sincere efforts of all its members. This is the biggest motivation for holding this ceremony today. We know that "Ingenuity is subject to compliment." That is why we encourage our academics to produce with all our resources and support them with the units we set up within the scope of the New Generation University Design and Transformation Project. I fully believe that each of our members is willing to serve with self-sacrifice in line with common goals and objectives to move our university forward. I want to take this opportunity to express my sincere gratitude to our vice-rectors, secretaries-general, deans, principals, administrators who acted as coordinators, academic and administrative staff, who contributed to these achievements of our University. In particular, I would like to thank the Project Office, which guided our academics during the preparation of the projects, and the Patent Commission, which played an active role in the evaluation of patent reports, for their devoted work.

Having these feelings and thoughts; At this ceremony, where scientific encouragement is supported with an award, I congratulate the venerated academic staff of our University, who were deemed worthy of the award with the projects they carried out in 2020-2021 and the patents they received, and wish them success. I hope that this work of our scientists, which is a source of pride for our University, will serve as a model for our young researchers and students and become a driving force that will boost their motivation.”

Awards Presented to Project and Patent Owners

After the opening speech, the Atatürk University Scientific Project and Patent Award Ceremony was designed as R&D project awards in 2020 and 2021, and national and international patent awards were held.

At the ceremony, the project executives who received TUBITAK 2244 Project-type awards were presented to their owners by Rector Çomaklı.

Later, Vice-Rector Prof. Dr. Hüseyin Özer presented the awards for TEYDEB-1505- TÜBİTAK-BILATERAL COOPERATION- DAP- TUSEB- TAGEM- TÜBİTAK-3501 - TÜBİTAK-1005. Vice-Rector Prof. Dr. Selahattin Çelebi presented the awards for TÜBİTAK-1001 to the project coordinators, who were awarded in the project type. Vice-Rector Prof. Dr. Mustafa Sözbilir presented awards for 1st Group projects in the TÜBİTAK-1002 Project type. Vice-Rector Prof. Dr. Ayşe Bayrakçeken Yurtcan presented the awards for the 2nd Group project in the TÜBİTAK-1002 Project type. The General Secretary Assoc. Prof. Dr. Şendoğan Karagöz, presented awards for national and international patents.

The program ended with a family photo.


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