Atatürk University


Atatürk University 2023-2024 Academic Year Opening Ceremony took place with the participation of the Minister of National Education Prof. Dr. Yusuf Tekin.

Rector Prof. Dr. Ömer Çomaklı, Governor Mustafa Çiftçi, Metropolitan Municipality Mayor Mehmet Sekmen, AK Party Erzurum Deputies Selami Altınok and Mehmet Emin Öz, Former Erzurum Deputy Prof. Dr. Mustafa Ilıcalı, Regional Gendarmerie Commander Brigadier General Metin Düz, Provincial Police Chief Kadir Yırtar, Ankara Social Sciences University Rector Prof. Dr. Musa Kazım Arıcan, Rector of Ankara Music and Fine Arts University Prof. Dr. Erhan Özden, Rector of Ağrı İbrahim Çeçen University Prof. Dr. Abdulhalik Karabulut, Rector of Ardahan University Prof. Dr. Mehmet Biber, AK Party Provincial Head İbrahim Küçükoğlu, Nationalist Movement Party Provincial Head Adem Yurdagül, public institutions and organizations and NGO representatives, Vice Rectors, faculty deans, department heads, research center directors and students attended the opening ceremony held at the National Will Hall on July 15.

The Palestine International Poster exhibition, which was opened by Minister Tekin before the opening ceremony and where barbed wire was cut instead of ribbons, was met with interest by the visitors.

Rector Prof. Dr. Ömer Çomaklı made the opening speech of the ceremony. He stated that he was happy to host the Minister of National Education Prof. Dr. Yusuf Tekin at Atatürk University on the occasion of the 2023-2024 Academic Year Opening Ceremony, who has recently pioneered the transition from the exam-oriented education system to the school-based education system and many similar projects.

Continuing his speech by touching on the human tragedy in Palestine, Rector Çomaklı strongly condemned the massacre that was carried out ruthlessly in front of the eyes of the whole world, and said that it is clearly a war crime to hit a hospital with humanistic immunity, to attempt the lives of children, women, the elderly, sick and injured, helpless people, and to attack innocent civilians in the name of defense.

"Systematically, intensive studies are conducted for each unit of our university."

Rector Çomaklı underscored the significance of quality-oriented advancements in both the Turkish higher education system and the global community. This has motivated Atatürk University, originally established as a regional institution, to strive for the designation of a universal world university. He further stated, "Our university is a leader in the field of universal science and engages in endeavors that seek solutions. It has begun to establish itself as a university capable of providing scientific solutions to social issues and which not only recognizes but also guides social demands. Methodically and diligently, each element of our university exerts considerable efforts to accomplish the objectives that we have established in this regard. With the implementation of the Atatürk University New Generation University Design and Transformation Project, these studies have taken shape and significant results have started to emerge.

The university hosted a total of 19 distinct inquiry conferences, during which a consensus was reached and significant outcomes were acquired. Within this framework, the New Generation Positioning Map was developed, and our university underwent a transformation in its management and organizational structure. The areas of university priority have been identified. The strategic plan underwent a revision to align with the revised vision. The establishment of the New Generation University's driving and leading divisions ensued. The development of the New Generation Performance system was achieved. Structure changes were implemented at Technocity, and procedures of integration with society were devised. Through the reorganization of the foreign relations office, our university prioritized internationalization.

We endeavor to rank within the top five in Turkey and among the top 500 globally, utilizing a substantial meta system that was initially developed at our institution.

Our resolute commitment to diligent labor, which has persisted since the moment we took on the role of rector and, by extension, the immense responsibility, shall persist moving forward. Our objective for the present time is to rank within the top 500 globally and in the top five in Turkey, utilizing our data center, digital transformation initiatives, and a university-designed and implemented large-scale metasystem. The strategic plan, projects, and studies that are in line with the "New Generation University" indicators, as well as the mission, vision, and goals that have been redefined and are determined in accordance with the applicable and measurable strategic plan, will continue to be implemented within an integrated framework that combines education, research, and social contribution. During the sixth year of our project, during which we have significantly expanded our efforts and implemented the new system, your visit to our university has served as an immense inspiration and source of motivation for our team. I would like to extend my sincere appreciation for your attendance at the 2023-2024 Academic Year Opening Ceremony and extend my best wishes for your visit to our esteemed university.

Mehmet Sekmen, mayor of the Metropolitan Municipality, stated that scientific research and scientific studies come to mind when universities are mentioned. He emphasized that universities are the epicenters of science and that these studies should be evaluated in the most effective manner and accorded the necessary weight.

Noting that Atatürk University is the institution that established other universities, Sekmen expressed his delight at attending the inauguration of an institution with such a long history and profound foundation.

Deputy Selami Altınok of the AK Party in Erzurum asserted that individuals who were not native to the city could readily discern the transformations, advancements, and progress that have transpired over the past two decades. Altınok further underscored that bureaucrats and politicians who have completed their studies at Atatürk University have expressed particular reverence for the city.

Indicating that the nation still has considerable progress to make, Altınok expressed his desire for an academic year devoid of mishaps and complications, characterized by the predominance of affection and dialogue, and guided by scientific principles.

Governor Mustafa Çiftci expressed his hope that the academic year 2023-2024 would be prosperous for Erzurum, its students, faculty, and staff, as well as for the nation as a whole. He further wished that the new century in Turkey would be auspicious for our country and people.

"International judicial mechanisms and organizations tasked with upholding global peace lack a legitimate voice."

At the opening, the Minister of National Education, Professor Dr. Yusuf Tekin was the distinguished guest. In his address,  he expressed his immense joy at being present at the commencement ceremony of an academic year in his birthplace and thanked the Rector Professor, Ömer Çomaklı for the invitation and being in the presence of the Atatürk University family.

Minister Tekin stated in his speech that international institutions and judicial bodies are tasked with safeguarding global peace and human rights. He further claimed that these institutions and bodies have intervened numerous times and on a wide range of issues up until the present day. Notably, these forms of intervention have had a profound impact on the Islamic world, Eastern societies, and ourselves, which is not entirely satisfactory. In general, they intervene in situations, which is not compatible with our volition and preferences. It is possible that its vitality has diminished in our memories. However, the interventions that were launched against Turkish citizens residing in Bulgaria during the early 1980s, as well as the ongoing conflicts in Palestine and Bosnia, are regrettably unmentioned by the international organizations. Throughout the Russia-Ukraine War, which spanned the previous two years, sanctions were imposed on Russia in virtually every sector, including commerce, industry, athletics, and the arts. Armenia's application to the ECHR concerning the disputes and conflicts between Azerbaijan and Armenia was deemed acceptable, with Azerbaijan's legitimate demands and claims over its occupied territories being disregarded. However, children and patients are being brutally murdered. International judicial mechanisms and organizations tasked with upholding international peace are devoid of a legitimate voice."

Minister Tekin stated, in reference to the remarks made by President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan, "'The world is larger than five,' Either there is a problem with the actors comprising these five individuals, or there is a problem with the texts that these five individuals must adhere to when constructing decision-making mechanisms. In fact, I wish to highlight the second one. Academics in contemporary Islamic societies and in eastern societies as a whole must initiate a discussion on some topics. That is, we must discuss the extent to which the references we have included and the degree to which the texts presented to us as international human rights texts protect our rights."

"When calculating global democratization indices, the proportion of a country's general budget that is allocated to education is a crucial factor."

Tekin, recalling his academic career, discussed the historical significance of Erzurum and the scholarly achievements of Atatürk University. Minister Tekin stated that universities are centers for the production of science and sites where professionals are educated. He further elaborated as follows:

"At the end of 2002, or twenty-one years ago, Turkey had a total of 76 universities. At present, 208 universities exist. This information was previously known to you. I am pleased to present you with some data that may have escaped your attention. As democratization indices are computed on a global scale, Turkey is home to 208 universities. They examine the proportion of the overall budget that is allocated to education in particular. Specifically, they examine the sectors to which the nation's budget is allocated. Turkey has experienced a truly extraordinary ascent in international indices due to the fact that its education budget allocation ranks first among all other expenditures in these indices. Once more, I wish to extend my sincere gratitude to our esteemed President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan for providing us with this opportunity. Given that the budget allocation for this field is presently the largest, it is anticipated that our budget will remain extremely occupied as well."

"A Serious Revolution Has Been Created in Education"

In relation to universities, Minister Tekin asserted that Turkey has experienced substantial growth in terms of faculty, students, and classrooms, and that the number of academics has more than doubled since 2002.

Tekin stated the following regarding the reduction in the number of pupils per classroom: "There has been a 50% decrease in the number of students per teacher." In the last twenty-one years, nearly 70% of the teachers presently employed within the system have been appointed. The 100th anniversary of the republic will be fully realized nine days later. As a result, by the time the century turns one hundred, education has undergone a substantial revolution with regard to numerical indicators. What will occur during the forthcoming era? Therefore, in the new era, universities and the Ministry of National Education must collaborate in order to construct the Turkey Century."

Following the introductory remarks, Prof. Dr. Yusuf Tekin bestowed the accolades upon Prof. Dr. Sezai Ercişli, Prof. Dr. lhami Gülçin, and Prof. Dr. Serkan Yıldırım at the Academic Incentive and Award Ceremony.

Award recipients were recognized at the 2023 Academic Incentive and Award Ceremony of Atatürk University, which was structured along seven dimensions to integrate the mission areas of Research, Education, and Contribution to Society within the framework of New Generation University studies. The recognition was based on research-based education, education-based social contribution, research-based social contribution, multiplier contribution, and research-based social contribution.

The 2023-2024 Academic Year Opening Program of Atatürk University concluded with attendees taking commemorative photographs.

In the Rectorate office, Minister of National Education Prof. Dr. Yusuf Tekin was greeted warmly. Minister Tekin was briefed by ATASEM Director Prof. Dr. Cahit Yeşilyaprak on one of Turkey's Vision Projects, the Eastern Anatolian Observatory (DAG).


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