Atatürk University


AtatÜrk University Rector Prof. Dr. Ömer Çomaklı released a message on the occasion of 23 April National Sovereignty and Children's Day and the 102nd anniversary of the opening of the Turkish Grand National Assembly. He gave the following statements in his message:

“Freedom is like breathing, its existence is well-understood when it is blocked. Individual freedom is important, but more important than that is the freedom of a nation. Because in order to become a nation, it is necessary to breathe, to be one heart, to beat in one vein. If every corner of the country has been occupied, its temples have been destroyed, and every inch of its land has fallen into the hands of the enemy, then freedom becomes as essential as living, valuable like a child, and meaningful at the level of faith.

The War of Independence is the embodiment of freedom, which has the most sacred meanings for a nation. The most important point of this war is the opening of the Turkish Grand National Assembly in order to represent the free will of the nation. April 23, 1920 is the date of the turning point of a nation that saved its existence from being on the dusty shelves of the historical stage and took one of the most important steps on the way to victory. This date is the spring's embrace of the nature that survived the winter and is the holiday of a nation that values its children."

"While celebrating the 23 April National Sovereignty and Children's Day with these beautiful meanings, I commemorate our martyrs, especially Mustafa Kemal Atatürk and his comrades in arms, who left us a livable country at the expense of their lives." he completed his words.

Prof. Dr. Ömer ÇOMAKLI

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