The 3rd Integrated Medicine Symposium was held by Atatürk University Acupuncture and Complementary Medicine Methods Application and Research Center (AYTAM).
Academicians and physicians working in Erzurum and surrounding provinces attended the symposium held in the Cultural Center Blue Hall.
Traditional and Complementary Treatment Methods were discussed
Making the opening speech of the symposium which was held for the third time this year, AYTAM director Assoc. Dr. Yasemin Çayır gave information about these methods by stating that traditional treatment methods were discussed.
Traditional and complementary treatment methods, which have not fallen on the agenda of both patients and physicians in recent years,, were worked through by the experts of the subject. Methods such as acupuncture, hypnosis, apitherapy, cup therapy (hacamat), hirudotherapy and maggot treatment were discussed in the light of current and scientific data.
As a speaker to the symposium, with the subject of “GETAT Regulation” Assist. Prof. Suat Sincan, with the subject of "What is Acupuncture, What is not?" Assoc. Prof. Yasemin Çayır, with the subject of "Subconscious Language: Hypnotherapy", Assoc. Prof. Kenan Taştan, with the subject of "Recent Developments in Treatment with Bee Products" Prof. Dr. Zekai Halıcı, with the subject of "Maggotherapy" and "Hirudotherapy", Assoc. Prof. Oktay Alver and with the subject of "Cup Treatment" Asissist. Prof. Mustafa Bayraktar contributed to the symposium with traditional and complementary treatment methods.