Atatürk University


With the announcement of the Higher Education Institutions Exam (YKS) Results and the start of the preference period, Atatürk University, which accelerates its efforts for candidate students, continues to communicate with candidate students through the Open Door, Promotion and Preference Days event.

Within the scope of the promotional days, which bring together the candidates who will choose a university with the opportunities offered by Atatürk University, the guests continue to have information about the university.

On the promotion and preference days organized by the Dean of Students in Erzurum Havuzbaşı, fish and bread are offered by Atatürk University Fisheries Faculty and Social Facilities, while Kazım Karabekir Education Faculty Music Teaching Department students offer a musical concert to the guests.

While the students of the Faculty of Fine Arts are the center of attention with the beautiful pictures they draw, the Chemistry Department of the Faculty of Science offers a visual feast to the visitors with their experiments.

On the other hand, while information about Atatürk University is given to the visitors at the stands set up in the MNG Shopping and Life Center, questions about the Open and Distance Education Faculty are answered by experts.

Stating that they held the Open Door, Promotion and Preference Days event in order to inform young people and facilitate their decision-making processes during the university preferences period, Rector Prof. Dr. Ömer Çomaklı said that besides the entertaining activities, all kinds of information about faculties and vocational schools are given to the candidate students by the relevant units.

Mentioning that it is a privilege to join the Atatürk University family, Rector Çomaklı stated that they are waiting for all candidate students with their families to the promotion days, which are open until the evening of 5 August.

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25240 Erzurum
Rectorship: +90 442 231 1111
Faculty of Open and Distance Education: +90 850 255 0282
Research Hospital: +90 442 344 6666
Clinical Dentistry: +90 442 236 0944

University Preference


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