Atatürk University


Atatürk University Open Education Faculty (ATA-AÖF) Spring Term midterm exam schedule has been announced. Accordingly, the exam, which will be held on 9-10 April 2022, will be held face-to-face.

 Atatürk University, which has successfully continued the formal education process where students and academicians are together in the same place, for many years, continues to serve the country's higher education for many years with its open education model. In this context, Atatürk University Open Education Faculty, where a modern education system is implemented where students and academicians are not obliged to come to the campus, the lessons are taught in a virtual environment, live or on tape, video, audio and interactive, and where distant but face-to-face university education is given, welcomed the new era. In ATA-AÖF, where courses are regularly uploaded to the system and online practice exam modules are published, quality education continues to be provided regardless of time and place.

 Expressing that they carried out digital transformation rapidly during the pandemic period and continued their education activities uninterruptedly, Rector Prof. Dr. Ömer Çomaklı stated that Atatürk University's experience in this direction made significant contributions to the country's higher education. Rector Çomaklı, who stated that the Open Education model, which has been carried out for many years, has an important role in this success, said: “Our Open Education Faculty, which welcomed the new era in this direction, continues to provide education to its 500 thousand students with modules containing the latest content. On this occasion, I wish success and convenience to our students in the midterm exams that will be held face-to-face on April 9-10, 2022”.

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