Atatürk University


The academic monitoring and evaluation meetings for 2023 have concluded as part of the New Generation University Design and Transformation Project. These meetings were presided over by Prof. Dr. Ömer Çomaklı, the rector of Atatürk University.

In the Cultural Center Blue Hall, Rector Çomaklı, the rectorate senior management team, board members, and administrators from all academic divisions convened to assess the progress generated by the administrators' presentations. Towards the conclusion of the meetings, endeavors were undertaken to assimilate the New Generation University Design and Transformation Project internally while also identifying areas of progress and obstacles.

70 hours were spent in 25 sessions.

The 14-day Academic Monitoring and Evaluation Meetings of 2023 concluded with the submissions of twenty-three faculties and twelve colleges. The meetings commenced on November 23, 2023. During the seventy-hour meetings with twenty-five sessions, faculty deans and college principals presented the reports that they had compiled regarding the activities conducted within their respective departments. Research university performance indicators, cultural transformation studies, evaluation of academic performance results, and TÜBİTAK competency analysis comprised the four topics that guided the meetings.

The feedback on the completed work and the advancement towards the road map established as part of the New Generation University Design and Transformation Project were assessed throughout the meetings. Thus, developments and obstacles that corresponded with the data were identified.

Unit managers presented at the 2023 Monitoring and Evaluation meetings on the following subjects: "the Academic Performance Results of 2022" (as compared to the evaluation reports of 2020 and 2021); "the Units' Achievement of Performance Targets for 2022" (Research University Monitoring and Evaluation indicators - 3 categories, 32 indicators); "Adjustments to the Road Map Formulated in Collaboration with Administrators for Cultural Transformation Studies; and "The Assessment of TÜBİTAK Field-Based Competency Analysis from a unit perspective."

“We Develop Solution-Oriented Policies”

Rector Prof. Ömer Çomaklı asserted that the Monitoring and Evaluation Meetings, which were conducted for the third time this year, identified the effective and areas requiring improvement of the units. Furthermore, he stated that this process enables the identification of challenges, the development of policies focused on finding solutions, and the formulation of strategies for the future.

Meetings Inspire "Common Sense."

Rector Çomaklı asserted that the meeting process was highly fruitful, valuable, and efficacious as all participants actively engaged in the management process through the expression of suggestions, criticisms, and ideas during the meetings. Those who had something to say were duly acknowledged and considered.

Emphasizing that the meetings led to the identification of the units' strengths and areas for improvement, Rector Çomaklı stated that the feedback regarding the completed work had been received and that appropriate preparations would be implemented. Rector Çomaklı emphasized the significance of the scientific, artistic, and social research conducted by faculty members on a national and international scale. He further stated that these studies have made valuable contributions to the advancement and recognition of both the university and our nation, which are also deserving of recognition.

"In the New Year, Our Work Will Continue with Great Motivation"

"New generation universities are expected to be shaped within the framework of their mission to contribute to society," said Rector Çomaklı. This includes their educational and research responsibilities. "For instance, a third generation university would emphasize innovation centered on cooperation between the university and society, while a fourth generation university would prioritize regional development."It is my conviction that the academic personnel employed across all departments of our university, which imparts first-rate educational services, along with our vocational schools, which conduct significant research in the surrounding areas, will sustain our achievements in terms of the caliber and quantity of projects, publications, and other studies they have proposed.

In particular, Rector Çomaklı remarked that 2023 was a prosperous year and that scholarly endeavors would resume with heightened vigor and velocity in 2024. He extended gratitude to all the university constituents who made contributions during that time.

Directorate of Corporate Communications – 18.12.2023

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