Atatürk University


Necmettin Erbakan University Rector Prof. Dr. Cem Zorlu was the guest of Atatürk University Rector Prof. Dr. Ömer Çomaklı.

Rector Ömer Çomaklı conveyed contentment with the visit, which sought to foster collaboration and academic connections among universities. He stated that the universities place significant importance on fortifying relationships with both internal and external stakeholders. In this regard, a meeting was held with their host Cem Zorlu to discuss potential collaborative endeavors.

Academic cooperation and information exchange are factors that support the growth and progress of universities, according to Rector Çomaklı. "Since assuming office, we have placed significant emphasis on inter-institutional collaborations." Regarding this, we collaborated with representatives from numerous public institutions and the private sector. We engaged in a dialogue with Prof. Dr. Cem Zorlu, the rector of Necmettin Erbakan University, today regarding the endeavors of our universities and the higher education system in our nation as a whole."In light of this, I extend my sincere appreciation to my esteemed counterpart for his courteous visit and wish him success in his professional endeavors," he concluded.

Indicating that Erzurum is highly significant due to its historical, cultural, and scientific contributions, Rector Zorlu stated that they are ecstatic to be at Atatürk University, which is considered one of the city's most cherished assets. Zorlu stated that despite being relatively new, they have achieved considerable success: "We foster inter-institutional communication and establish numerous collaborative initiatives and common working areas. "Within this framework, we are delighted to strengthen our ties with Atatürk University," he added.

Both rectors underscored the significance of these intellectual exchanges in fostering stronger academic and cultural connections between universities, as well as enhancing students' educational experiences.

Directorate of Corporate Communications – January 22, 2024
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