Atatürk University


 Within the scope of the New Generation University Design and Transformation Project initiated by Atatürk University Rector. Prof.Dr.Ömer Çomaklı throughout the university, the Anesthesiology Clinical Research and Application Office, which was introduced in the past months, was opened.
Atatürk University Rector Prof. Dr.  Ömer Çomaklı, Vice Rectors and hospital management attended the opening of Anesthesiology Clinic Research and Application Office, established within the Research Hospital,Anesthesiology Clinical Research and Application Office Coordinator Assoc.Prof. Dr. İlker İnce informed the guests about his unit.
Stating that the unit started its work before opening, Assoc. Prof.Dr. İlker İnce told that the unit aims to improve the research culture in the Faculty of Medicine and to provide training on clinical research.
İnce also told that by increasing the number of scientific publications with high scientific value which direct medical science and medical practice, the unit can attract the foreign scientists to Atatürk University ,and bring national and international recognition and added that it is important for the office to receive national (BAP, TUBITAK) and international financial support.
''Statistical Thinking and Reasoning Will Become Widespread in the Field of Health ”
Rector Prof. Dr. Ömer Çomaklı stated that Anesthesiology Clinical Research and Practice Office was established in line with the objectives of faculty and graduate students in order to develop scientific projects in collaboration with faculties, institutes, colleges, research and practice centers within Atatürk University with a multidisciplinary approach.He also stated that the unit aims to ensure that statistical thinking and statistical reasoning in the field of health become widespread and better understanding among faculty members and graduate students.

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Atatürk Üniversitesi Rektörlüğü
25240 Erzurum
Rectorship: +90 442 231 1111
Faculty of Open and Distance Education: +90 850 255 0282
Research Hospital: +90 442 344 6666
Clinical Dentistry: +90 442 236 0944

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