Atatürk University


Ankara University Rector Prof. Dr. Necdet Ünüvar, who came to Atatürk University to attend a number of visits and meetings within the framework of the new Council of Higher Education Vision was the guest of Rector Prof. Dr. Ömer Çomaklı

Prof. Dr. Çomaklı talked to ÜPĞrof. Dr. Ünüvar for a while and shared information about the works carried out within the scope of the New Generation University Design and Transformation Project.

Drawing attention to the fact that Atatürk University is the wise and pioneering university of the east, Rector Çomaklı gave information to his guest, Rector Ünüvar, by showing the units implemented within the scope of the New Generation University Project.

Rector Ünüvar, who visited units Methodology Support Office, Digital Transformation Office, Project Development and Coordination Office, Quality Coordinator, Data Management Office and Undergraduate Education Coordinator, met with unit managers here.

Methodology Support Office Manager Prof. Dr. Ömer Cevdet Bilgin stated that they provide methodical support to scientific studies as a unit and that they are guiding in the planning, analysis, writing and controlling and publishing of articles in a foreign language.

Digital Transformation Office Coordinator Prof. Dr. Bülent Çavuşoğlu stated that they closely followed issues such as system design, determination of digital strategies and educational research, supported the digitalization process of various institutions and organizations in the region, on the other hand, specific studies regarding the use of artificial intelligence applications in health and other fields are continuing.

Project Office Coordinator Prof. Dr. Hasan Özdemir, on the other hand, emphasized that they provide project training, mentoring and project writing support to academics as well as mentorship to SMEs and industrial organizations in order to increase the project culture and productivity of the university, and stated that they have ensured the transfer of projects to funding sources by listening to project ideas and establishing project teams.

Later, he visited the Corporate Communication Directorate (KID) and its sub-units, which manage all communication processes in line with the goals and objectives of Atatürk University. Prof. Dr. Ünüvar emphasized that the Directorate is a unit that suits the institutional goals of Atatürk University.

Information was given on the New Generation University Design and Transformation Project

Rector  Prof. Dr. Ünüvar who also visited the Scientific Research Projects Coordination Unit (BAP), received detailed information about the studies and projects from BAP Coordinator Abdülkadir Çiltaş.

BAP Coordination Unit Coordinator Prof. Dr. Çiltaş stated that the structural transformation carried out under the BAP Coordinatorship was carried out in accordance with the policies of the CHE Presidency and that they closely followed the policies of the New CHE.

Guests Met with Vice-Rectors and Deans

After the visits, Atatürk University and Ankara University Information Sharing Program was held in the Blue Hall under the presidency of  Rector Prof. Dr.Ömer Çomaklı. In addition to Rector Çomaklı, Ankara University Rector Prof. Dr. Necdet Ünüvar, former rector of Erzincan Binali Yıldırım University Prof. Dr. İlyas Çapoğlu, Atatürk University vice rectors, faculty deans and unit managers attended.

"Our Basic Idea is to Establish a Fair, Transparent and Always Accountable System at the University"

Making the opening speech of the meeting, Rector Çomaklı listed three processes within the scope of the restructuring studies that have been carried out within the framework of the “New Generation University Vision” since the day he took office.

Rector Çomaklı, who lists the items of disciplining and developing the existing order to its legal boundaries, designing new systems in the fields of education, research and social contribution within the framework of the vision set forth, and applying the designed systems to the existing system, the basic idea here is a fair, transparent and accountable system at the university. He mentioned that it was to install.

Explaining that they were trying to catch common mind by holding participatory search conferences in this process, Rector Çomaklı said: “We held 19 Search Conferences and brought together over 230 external stakeholders (visionary people). In line with the results of the conferences in which more than 1000 faculty members participated, we established 32 new units and restructured 28 units. During this period, we produced 43 projects. 10 of them were prioritized by the decision conference. In this context, 554 senate decisions were made by holding 77 senate meetings in the last four years. In addition, 143 University Executive Board meetings were held on the same dates, and the decision of the 1946 board of directors was taken ”.

Vice-Rectors Provided Information About The System Designs Produced

Following the Rector Çomaklı, the technical information of the New Generation University Design and Transformation Project Outputs was presented by Vice Rector Prof. Dr. Atilla Keskin.

Prof. Dr. Keskin also talked about the contributions of the New Generation University Project to education, society, and the economy.

Following Atilla Keskin, Vice-Rectors Prof. Dr. Mustafa Sözbilir, Model of Excellence in Education, Prof. Dr. Ayşe Bayrakçeken Yurtcan, Integrated Research Model, Prof. Dr. Hüseyin Özer Social Contribution System Design ATA-KÖK and Prof. Dr. Selahattin Çelebi made presentations on Covid-19 Vaccine Studies.

"I Follow the Studies Performed Closely"

Finally, Ankara University Rector Prof. Dr. Necdet Ünüvar said that the sense of belonging that started in the years when he was a part of Atatürk University has strengthened over the years. Expressing that he is proud to be the guest of Atatürk University today, Rector Prof. Dr. Ünüvar stated that the work carried out under the leadership of Ömer Çomaklı is at a level that can serve as a model.

Prof. Dr. Ünüvar said that he will continue to closely follow the work done within Atatürk University and thanked the entire Atatürk University family for their hospitality.


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