Atatürk University


Atatürk University Rector Prof. Dr. Ömer Çomaklı published a message on the occasion of Mother's Day. Rector Çomaklı used the following expressions in his message:

‘Motherhood is an unrequited labour, to love more than oneself, to embrace unconditionally, to always protect, to protect, to raise a work for the future. Our mothers are a crown on our heads, a medicine for our troubles, a companion who will never let us down.

This precious authority given to our mothers, whom our religion forbids even saying ‘ouch’, is not only by giving birth. As a reflection of Allah's mercy, every woman who can take care of every oppressed, every needy, defenceless, unprotected person in the world, who feels sorry for them and does her best for them, actually has this sacred quality.

We kiss the hands of our mothers, whose rights and labour can never be paid and whose places cannot be filled with anyone, and we celebrate this beautiful day by seeing them as a blessing.’

Prof. Dr. Ömer ÇOMAKLI
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