Atatürk University


A research and development (R&D) and observation collaboration protocol was signed between the Atatürk University Astrophysics Research and Application Centre (ATASAM) and ASELSAN.

A collaboration agreement was established for research and development (R&D) activities related to ASELSAN's "Near Space Situational Awareness" (YAKUD) project. This agreement encompasses various processes, including the installation, operation, and observations of ASELSAN's Special Telescope System (ÖTS) at the DAG campus. The infrastructure and superstructures required for these activities were jointly designed and developed by teams from ATASAM and ASELSAN, in collaboration with Atatürk University. Within this particular context, it will be the responsibility of ATASAM to undertake the planning and preparation of the necessary infrastructure for the SDS (Smart Data System) developed as part of the R&D Project. This includes the identification of suitable areas within the DAG campus as well as the planning and installation of the required superstructure for the SDS. Additionally, ATASAM will be responsible for providing technical services as needed, covering operational expenses, and initiating YAKUD observations.

 Satellites passing over Turkey will be detected.

The "Near Space Situational Awareness" (YAKUD) Project by ASELSAN is a research and development initiative aimed at facilitating the identification and monitoring of satellites and space debris within the low-earth orbit (LEO). The objective of the YAKUD Project is to analyze the data in order to contribute to the strategic planning of national space missions. The project aims to integrate data from diverse sources, including data sources, observatories, telescopes, and sensors, to enable real-time space imaging capabilities. Simultaneously, the YAKUD Project will also undertake the task of monitoring activities inside proximate orbits, enhancing the assurance of Turkey's space initiatives and its overall presence in the realm of space.

In the domain of near-space situational awareness, the establishment of a national system and the capability to provide a comprehensive space situation picture are growing in significance for nations. The detection and awareness of satellites traveling over Turkey will have significant relevance in the upcoming period, as several countries continue to deploy new satellites into orbit on a regular basis. Furthermore, the issue arises from the phenomenon that satellites deployed in previous missions become classified as "space debris" upon fulfilling their objectives, necessitating a resolution. Once the concept of near-space situational awareness is actualized, the detection of space debris will become feasible. The events that are subject to detection encompass potential collisions between space objects in orbit, occurrences of space weather events, the likelihood of spacecraft reentry into the Earth's atmosphere, and the potential for interruption of ongoing space operations.

Rector Çomaklı: "We have the greatest investment in space sciences in Turkey."

In the context of Atatürk University's status as a research institution, the Rector of Atatürk University, Prof. Dr. Ömer Çomaklı, emphasized the significance and positive outcomes of prioritizing and supporting research and development (R&D) projects from various institutions. He highlighted the meaningful and important role played by the university's external stakeholder partnerships with these R&D initiatives. Simultaneously, the presence of easily established and prioritized research and development (R&D) infrastructures across diverse fields within the campus of DAG, Turkey's foremost investment in space sciences, serves as evidence of a well-planned and strategically positioned robust infrastructure at DAG. I would like to extend my gratitude to the technical and academic team as well as the staff members at our ATASAM center. Additionally, I would like to convey my appreciation to the administration of ASELSAN for their diligent efforts in fostering collaboration.

The Corporate Communication Directorate,  27.09, 2023.
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