Atatürk University


A concert was orchestrated by the 9th Corps Regional Band Command and Light Music Orchestra in observance of Youth and Sports Day and the 19th May Commemoration of Atatürk. The concert was hosted by Atatürk University.

The concert held at the National Will Hall on 15 July was attended by a large number of music enthusiasts, protocol members, military dignitaries, 9th Corps and Garrison Commander Major General Tevfik Algan, Erzurum Deputy Governor Ahmet Özdemir, and Erzurum Metropolitan Municipality Deputy Mayor Mehmet Akarsu, in addition to Rector Prof. Dr. Ömer Çomaklı, who served as the concert's host.

In the concert program conducted by Band Colonel Mustafa Çelik, Dr. Derya Sahil Eroğlu and Band Senior Sergeant Osman Nuri Sümer took the stage as soloists. Heroic folk songs and anthems were sung, and the students and guests in the hall occasionally accompanied the songs.

Following the event, Atatürk University Rector Prof. Dr. Ömer Çomaklı provided a concise assessment, expressing their pride and delight at having been the hosts of such a magnificent occasion. Rector Çomaklı expressed sentiments of emotion while attending the concert that took place as part of the 19 May Commemoration of Atatürk, Youth and Sports Day. He further acknowledged that the Turkish Armed Forces are the center of attention in our nation and extended gratitude to all who attended.

Guests concluded the program by presenting the band with flowers and posing for a commemorative photo.

Directorate of Corporate Communications – May 17, 2024
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