Atatürk University


In the context of the 100th Anniversary TÜBA and TÜBİTAK Science Awards, which were administered under the auspices of the Presidency, Prof. Dr. İlhami Gülçin, a member of the TÜBİTAK Faculty of Science, was honored with the Atatürk University Faculty of Science faculty award in the domain of Basic Sciences. Prof. Dr. Rabia Meryem Yılmaz, a member of the Engineering Faculty, was bestowed with the 100th Anniversary TÜBİTAK Science Award in the realm of Social and Human Sciences. Additionally, the Faculty of S President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan presented her with the Outstanding Young Scientists Award (GEBİP) from the Academy of Sciences (TÜBA).

During the award ceremony that took place at the Presidential Complex, Prof. Dr. Ömer Çomaklı, the rector of Atatürk University, travelled to the capital to witness the triumphs and jubilation of the scientists deserving of the accolades. He shared in the triumphant academicians' delight.

President Erdoğan once stated, "Genuine thought deserves praise."

President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan delivered the address at the Beştepe Nation Congress and Culture Center during the 100th Anniversary TÜBİTAK and TÜBA Science Awards Ceremony. He did so from the podium. In his address, President Erdoğan stated that it is culturally significant to recognize and reward accomplished scientists. President Erdoğan congratulated all scientists who make contributions to the field of science, stating, "In our culture, inventiveness is rewarded with compliments. It is incumbent upon us to recognize and reward individuals who demonstrate excellence, achievement, and pioneering progress for our nation, as well as those who make valuable contributions to the collective understanding of humanity. Achievements flourish when their worth is acknowledged by society, expand in scope and depth, and mature under the nurturing of those who support them. Each victory that is rewarded and admired creates an opportunity for novel works and motivates for fresh narratives. We aim to accomplish this through the presentation of the TÜBA and TÜBİTAK awards. "On behalf of myself and my nation, I congratulate all our scientists who work day and night for the prosperous future of our country, who make valuable contributions to the world of science with their scientific studies and groundbreaking works," said the president.

The Atatürk University received three awards at the ceremony.

Prof. Dr. İlhami Gülçin received the TÜBİTAK Science Awards Incentive Award in the 100th Anniversary category. The award recognizes "exceptional international research in the field of biochemistry that investigated the mechanisms of action of natural or synthetic antioxidant molecules and their capacity to protect against global diseases, as well as the development, design, and synthesis of selective inhibitors for specific metabolic enzymes." It was in his right to be granted the award.

Prof. Dr. Rabia Meryem Yılmaz was honored with the 100th Anniversary TÜBİTAK Incentive Award in the TÜBİTAK Incentive Awards category for her "exceptional international research on pre-school language teaching supported by technology, instructional technologies, and the use of augmented reality technology in education."

The beneficiaries of the Outstanding Young Scientist Awards (GEBİP) presented by the Turkish Academy of Sciences (TÜBA) were also identified through the program's purview. Assoc. Prof. Haydar Kılıç was considered deserving of the TÜBA-GEBİP award in the domain of organic chemistry within the application of natural sciences.

Rector Çomaklı expressed his sincere congratulations to the academics.

Rector of Atatürk University Prof. Dr. Ömer Çomaklı expressed his pride in the accolades bestowed and stated that he is present today to commemorate the accomplishments of the deserving academicians. Noting that Atatürk University annually raises the bar for achievement, Rector Çomaklı expressed delight in receiving feedback on this via the awards and stated: "The receipt of significant scientific accolades by three of our faculty members demonstrates our institution's dedication to scientific research and its standing as an institution of academic excellence." I'd like to begin by extending my congratulations to our award-winning academics. Your demonstration of unwavering dedication and enthusiasm for knowledge through the pursuit of scientific research frontiers. Academics with a passion for science, such as yourself, enhance our university's standing and motivate forthcoming generations. Additionally, I would like to extend my gratitude to the entire faculty, staff, and student body for their invaluable contributions in facilitating these accomplishments. Every individual among you makes a valuable contribution to the achievement of our university. In conclusion, I wish to underscore that these accolades mark a mere initiation. Science is an ongoing investigation and process of gaining knowledge. In addition to commemorating these accomplishments, we reaffirm our dedication to the ongoing quest for enhanced understanding and scientific distinction. In conclusion, I would like to extend my sincere appreciation to all individuals who have contributed significantly to the progress and advancement of our nation, with particular recognition to our esteemed members from our president, Recep Tayyip Erdoğan. May they continue to enjoy the prosperity that I have enjoyed.

Directorate of Corporate Communications – December 27, 2023
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