Atatürk University


Atatürk University officially hosted the "9th Legislation Implementation Association Meeting" on Student Affairs in Higher Education.

The inauguration of the meeting took place at the Nenehatun Cultural Center, where esteemed administrators and staff of the Student Affairs Departments of the universities, including Rector Prof. Dr. Ömer Çomaklı, were in attendance.

Atatürk University hosted the ninth of a series of conferences that commenced at Akdeniz University. The primary objectives of these conferences were to consolidate practices across higher education institutions with regard to the operations and transactions conducted by student affairs departments, as well as to enhance the efficiency of communication channels among staff members.

"The Meeting Will Lead to the Strengthening of Inter-Institutional Communication Channels," stated President Saygılı.

Metin Saygın, the head of the Student Affairs Department at Atatürk University, delivered the opening address of the gathering. In his address, he began by conveying his contentment at being the host of this occasion, which drew 320 attendees from 150 universities, including universities affiliated with the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus.

Saygılı made the following remarks:  "This and analogous meetings not only address concerns related to process unification and employee communication channels, but also comprise a component of the meetings that deliberate on stakeholder profiles and quality matters. These meetings are conducted as part of quality studies that the Higher Education Quality Board evaluates and endorses. "The Higher Education Information System, or YÖKSİS, is the most vital system for higher education institutions in our nation." Among the information systems that enjoy the maximum utilization rate in our nation is YÖKSİS. Through the e-Government portal, university registration, military service postponement, loan, scholarship, and dormitory applications, more than ten million citizens who are registered or have graduated from higher education institutions now have access to their information and documents. This process began in the 2010s with the collection of data using Excel-formatted documents using desktop applications. "It is admirable that it is brought to a level that allows easy access to transactions such as transcripts, student or graduation documents."

Declaring that the journey ahead is arduous, encompassing numerous projects and studies aimed at improving the lives of individuals, Saygılı conveyed his conviction that the initiative implemented in this regard would yield substantial benefits for higher education in the nation. He extended his gratitude to all attendees, placing particular emphasis on Rector Çomaklı, whose assistance was instrumental in coordinating the conference.

"Issues that will increase the efficiency of working personnel will be discussed," said Sabuncu.

In his address on behalf of the Student Affairs Departments, the head of the Student Affairs department at Artvin Çoruh University, Mustafa Ünver Sabuncu, stated, "The meeting held at Atatürk University, which is renowned for its historical, cultural, and educational legacy and holds such an ancient significance for our nation, is a significant contribution to the system." He believes it will be fruitful in that it will be possible to identify the factors and concerns that impede progress and to discuss the domains that are robust and require additional fortification. He wishes to extend his gratitude to all those who assisted in the coordination of the occasion, which will provide responses to inquiries and concerns of the student affairs personnel who diligently labor to ensure the efficient operation of the higher education system in the nation. "I hope the meeting will be beneficial."

Rector Çomaklı stated, "The subjects deliberated upon function to fortify collaborative efforts."

When assuming the podium to deliver his address, Rector Çomaklı stated, "Much like how a sense of belonging and institutional culture are crucial for fostering cooperation among units in the administrative processes conducted within universities, it is equally imperative that higher education institutions collaborate in their endeavors and maintain a unified practice. These meetings, titled legislation implementation and cooperation, are aimed at reinforcing these collaborations."

"Our Stakeholders Receive Services of Superior Quality As a Result of Enhancing the Student Information System"

Rector Çomaklı expressed his utmost delight in cordially welcoming the attendees to the meeting at Atatürk University, a cradle of education renowned for its nearly three-quarter-century history, the caliber of its faculty and staff, and the educational ethos it has fostered. Additionally, he discussed the university's structural transformation, remarking, "The new generation An initiative undertaken as part of the digital transformation and development studies that we value in accordance with the mission of the university is the enhancement of the Student Information System and the delivery of superior services to our constituents. Within this framework, the following processes are governed by the institution: university registrations, postgraduate applications, evaluation and placement procedures; applications for special talent programs; evaluation and placement procedures; applications for horizontal transfers; evaluation and placement procedures; course registration and graduation procedures; registration deletion and freeze; exemption and grade objection; and student requests and ID cards.

"Extreme meticulousness is applied to every undertaking."

Rector Çomaklı asserts that the research is conducted with great attention to detail as a research university. "In light of the fact that the majority of transactions in the current digital age are conducted electronically, our university has been honored with the YÖK 2022 Prize in the Digital Transformation and Big Data Studies category, which is part of the Council of Higher Education Outstanding Achievement Awards, for the change and transformation initiatives we have undertaken. The Outstanding Achievement Award was bestowed upon us. Every one of my colleagues who has contributed to these achievements deserves my gratitude. He concluded his remarks by declaring, "I hope this meeting will be a productive meeting on behalf of our higher education institutions and thank you all for your participation."

Following the benevolent service of retired personnel at Atatürk University, the opening program concluded with technical presentations, deliberations on agenda items, and preparations for the subsequent gathering.

Directorate of Corporate Communications – May 25, 2024

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