Atatürk University


With the support of the Presidential Human Resources Office, the 3rd Eastern Anatolia Career Fair (DAKAF) hosted by Atatürk University was held with the participation of approximately 50 thousand visitors and 450 companies.

Participation in the fair, which was held with the partnership of nine universities in the region as well as Atatürk University, was quite intense. In this sweeping fair where hundreds of companies for students and graduates took part, an atmosphere was created for graduates and graduate candidates to find job and internship opportunities.

The Fair Played an Active Role in Directing Students' Career Plans

DAKAF 22, which was held with the participation of students and graduates of Atatürk University and partner universities; played an active role in bringing together institutions, organizations, businesses, and universities operating in the region, both supporting these companies in terms of human resources, and providing students with detailed information about professions, getting to know companies, starting their own business, and guiding the career plans of the students. Students and graduates, who have the opportunity to get first-hand information on subjects such as job/internship opportunities and career options with the human resources officials of the companies, also attend various personal and professional development activities, panels, interview simulations, academy-sector cooperation, career talks and human resources representatives of the companies had the opportunity to participate in the interviews.

Rector Çomaklı: “DAKAF 22 Delivered Great Opportunities and Chances for Employment”

Stating that they are very proud and happy to host the fair once again, Atatürk University Rector Prof. Dr. Ömer Çomaklı: “I consider the Eastern Anatolia Career Fair, hosted by our university with the partnership of 9 regional universities, as one of the most important organizations that have been implemented for our city and region. The regional career fairs initiated by the Presidential Human Resources Office with the theme of 'Talent is Everywhere' offered tremendous opportunities and chances in terms of employment for our young people who will take important roles in the future of our country. As a university, we hosted a significant project that was implemented by taking into account the academic development of our students and their career and future goals. Among the participating companies, there were 450 public and private sector organizations covering many different sectors, from informatics to education, from media to tourism. Students participating in the fair received first-hand information about their careers. Companies have also found significant opportunities in terms of recruiting workforce or interns.

Our Youth Participating in the Fair Will Carry Our Country To A Better Future In The Future” 

Expressing that many organizations came together under the same roof and important panels, professional simulations, and interviews organized by experts in their fields at DAKAF 22, Rector Çomaklı added that the opportunities provided by public institutions and universities and all the steps taken assure that young people look to the future with confidence: “I think that DAKAF 22, which we completed without any problems, was fruitful for our students as well. We are pleased to see that young people can shape their future and careers by collaborating with different sectors, companies, and public institutions. All the opportunities provided and activities are to prepare our youth for the future and equip them with the knowledge and skills needed by the sectors. Each of our young people who participates in these great meetings, which we consider as a career step, will carry our country to a better future and add important values to our country with the knowledge, experience, and skills they have acquired. The future; It is the young people who will take Turkey to the top as an active country in its region and a respected and prosperous country in the world.”

Prof. Çomaklı: “We Completed DAKAF 22 with the Support of All Our Stakeholders”

Rector Çomaklı emphasized that they ended the Eastern Anatolia Career Fair with the outstanding efforts of internal and external stakeholders: “With these feelings and thoughts; As the oldest and most established educational institution in the region, I would like to thank and express my gratitude to, in the presence of Assoc. Prof. Dr. Salim Atay, the Presidency of the Presidential Human Resources Office, to our Erzurum Governorship and Erzurum Metropolitan Municipality for their unwavering support, to the very valuable rectors of partner universities, to the MNG Management, to our esteemed sponsors who are with us in every step we take, to the participating companies, students, visitors, to the fair organization that strives for the realization of the fair organization to our vice-rectors, our general secretariat, the career center director and assistant directors of our universities and other employees, the Corporate Communications Directorate and all our preparation team.”

Rector Çomaklı was the moderator of the closing panel.

At the closing panel of the career fair, moderated by Atatürk University Rector Prof. Dr. Ömer Çomaklı, hosted business people who serve as role models for young people, Hamle Teknoloji Chairman of the Board Ahmet Murat Nuhoğlu, Fatinoğlu Holding Deputy Chairman Ali Fatinoğlu and Atabay İlaç R&D Board Member Doğan Taşkent, shared their career journeys, experiences and advice in the business world with young people.

Since the last day of the event coincided with International Women's Day, March 8, DAKAF'22 continued with the Rector Çomaklı’s International Women's Day celebration and ended with a prize-giving ceremony of the project competition.


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