Atatürk University


With the participation of the Minister of National Education, Prof. Dr. Yusuf Tekin, Atatürk University once more convened a major event as part of the "Education Meetings" program. The university has been the site of numerous significant academic and scientific organizations.

The occasion commenced at the Cultural Center 15 July National Will Hall at Atatürk University, an institution that underwent significant change through the New Generation University Design and Transformation Project and gained notoriety for its endeavors. Minister Tekin, Rector Prof. Dr. Ömer Çomaklı, Governor Mustafa Çiftçi of Erzurum, Members of Parliament Selami Altınok and Mehmet Emin Öz of Erzurum, Deputy Minister of Family and Social Services Zafer Tarıkdaroğlu, were present at the program.

"We are Working to Elevate Our University to the Status of a Universal World University," stated Rector Çomaklı.

In his introductory remarks, the rector of Atatürk University, Ömer Çomaklı, expressed gratitude to the Minister of National Education, Yusuf Tekin, for dedicating time from his demanding schedule to lay the foundation for this invaluable occasion.

Rector Çomaklı continued his speech by saying, "The most important feature that distinguishes Atatürk University from other universities is that it has the story of the realization of one of the important projects of the Republic of Turkey since its establishment." He stated, "Since 2016, Atatürk University has been in accordance with the Presidential Government System and the New YÖK System Approach in light of the responsibility this consciousness has bestowed upon it." The organization has conducted a comprehensive analysis of how to realign its academic values, educational methodologies, and social function to meet the demands of a contemporary university. System design is complete, and the implementation phase commenced in 2019. With this foresight and the assistance of our administration, we persist in our endeavor to elevate our institution from a regional university to the status of a universal world university. "By undertaking audacious and significant actions, we have achieved noteworthy advancements in this regard," he explained.

Professor Dr. Çomaklı remarked, "This program significantly boosted our morale."

Çomaklı asserted that the nation's history is replete with triumphs owing to its notable advancements in higher education: "With immense pride, I declare that Atatürk University has begun to establish itself as an institution that leads the way in universal scientific inquiry, operates with a problem-solving mindset capable of generating scientific resolutions for societal issues, and is both attuned to and a guide for social demands." Atatürk University has significantly improved its academic indicators and implemented significant practices in the fields of education, research, and societal contribution through the application of its New Generation University strategy. In light of these sentiments and ideas, your attendance at one of our Education Meetings-sponsored visits has significantly boosted our morale and provided us with additional fortitude. Your presence at the inauguration ceremony of the academic year 2023-2024 was greatly appreciated by the assemblage of Atatürk University members, who reacted positively to your address. As a result, I wish to assert that the discourse you are poised to deliver today will provide us with inspiration regarding a multitude of matters. He concluded his remarks by saying, "I wish to extend my sincere appreciation for your attendance at our esteemed university and to convey my sincere regards."

Minister Tekin imparted to academics the insights and expertise he had acquired during his time at the academy.

Minister of National Education Prof. Dr. Yusuf Tekin, who followed Rector Çomaklı, began his address by drawing upon the knowledge and experiences he acquired during his tenure as Rector and the years he spent establishing the academy, expressing his elation at the opportunity to address this gathering in his birthplace, Erzurum, and at Atatürk University, an institution renowned for its numerous accomplishments.

During his time in the field, he came to the conclusion that society did not benefit sufficiently from the academy's knowledge. He also observed that the public's perception that the academy was incapable of producing sufficient useful information was widespread, and he desired to organize a program to dispel this perception; the notion has an ancient value, having endured for three-quarters of a century. He stated that beginning one's education at Ataturk University, which has educated a large number of students and has utilized the human capital it has produced to benefit the nation, was extremely beneficial. Minister Tekin underscored that during his early years as an assistant, the conjuncture and available opportunities made it challenging to pursue this prestigious vocation. However, he added that circumstances have since stabilized and a conducive environment for generating academic knowledge has emerged. Nevertheless, he acknowledged that there are still significant shortcomings that necessitate rectification. However, he emphasized that through this and similar conferences, the nation's situation has been transformed for the better. In conclusion, he declared his conviction that it will yield substantial advancements in the realm of education and training.

Following the introductory remarks, Tekin solicited inquiries from the attendees and concluded the program with detailed responses.

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