Atatürk University


Ataturk University ranked among the " World's Most Effective Universities 2020 “of Times Higher Education (THE) which is known as the Nobel Prize of higher education and achieved a significant success.

Succeeded to be among the first 200 university in the world,  Ataturk University ranked to the 2nd in Turkey. Also, Ataturk University became to be one of the 20 state universities which were evaluated in contribution to the society in a total of 17 areas.

Times Higher Education (THE), which is one of the most respected rating agencies in the world and aims to measure the achievements of world universities since 2019 with their contribution to the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals, announced Impact Ranking 2020- University Impact Ranking. Phil Baty, chief editor of Times Higher Education, said that universities were the greatest hope in solving problems in the world and added that the results of the ranking was important in terms of showing on which level  the universities put the needs of the society at the center of their research.

Atatürk University Became One of the Top 300 Most Influential  Universities in the World in the Field of Industry and Innovation

Ataturk University also succeeded in becoming one of the top 300 most  influential universities in the world in the field of "Industry and Innovation", where the number of patents, newly established company, industrial innovation and research criteria were evaluated.

Recently Ataturk University has been eligible to be supported by the most prestigious and comprehensive program of Turkey TÜBİTAK-1513 Technology Transfer Offices Support Program aimed at  Technology Transfer Offices (TTO) in which only 5 universities were supported.

Competing with the World in Continental Living Area

“Continental Living “ category , one of other areas in which Ataturk University becomes prominent  also includes agriculture which is the  strategic sector of Turkey. Atatürk University, which is also among the top  200 most influential universities in the world in this field, continues to produce projects in order to continuously improve the power of the Faculty of Agriculture, which was established in 1957 in order to contribute to the society.

The Rector Çomaklı. “ We are pleased if we can cheer our country at  least a tiny bit” 

Atatürk University Rector Ömer Çomaklı stated that these achievements of Atatürk University, which has continued to contribute to the higher education of the country since its establishment, with its 450 thousand students, 2 thousand 759 academics and well-equipped infrastructure, is the product of a total study and he made evaluations on the issue. The rector Çomaklı said: “I wish these results we have achieved these days in which we are fighting against the pandemic intensely to be beneficial for our country. The success we achieved as a result of our devoted work since the day we took office and searching for common sense makes us happy. Especially these days in which our country needs motivation more than ever,   scientific achievements  made us happy, too.

“The Efforts to Be “New Generation University” has Begun to Come to Fruition”

The Rector Çomaklı remarked that nowadays the importance of scientific studies has been understood more and added “ It is clear that the policies we have implemented with the New Generation University Design and Transformation Project, which we started in 2017 on the basis of the New Higher Education Vision, have contributed significantly in integrating our University with the society and turning our activities into social contributions. For this reason, the success of Atatürk University is not a coincidence.

The Rektor Çomaklı continued his words as : “ 31 new units, mostly Research Centers, coordinator and office, have been established in the last three years. These units were structured as support units to existing academic units and important missions were given. In this period, our policies focused on internationalization, digitalization, innovation and entrepreneurship. In this context, 87 transformation projects were designed for a university model focused on contribution to society, with the participation of nearly 1500 visionary stakeholders in their fields, and these projects were started to be implemented within a plan. In this process, restructuring of the technocity and the Foreign Relations Office, Digital Transformation and Software Office, Learning and Teaching Development Application and Research Center, Project and Methodology Development Offices, Data Management and Analysis Office, Career Planning and Graduate Monitoring Application and Research Center and Education Coordinatorships took on important tasks.

Likewise, the restructuring of Food and Animal Breeding Application and Research Centers and Plant Production Application and Research Centers in the direction of serving the society as separate centers has provided significant gains. Changing the academic promotion criteria and  the Academic Data Management System, Scientific Research Projects Management System and New Generation University Performance system added a great acceleration to  the development of our University. In the last two years, the establishment of Graduate Education Coordinatorship in order to provide coordination in postgraduate education and the requirement for social contribution criteria in all postgraduate theses were among our conscious policies. In this process, I would like to thank all of our university members and stakeholders, especially CoHE President Prof. Dr. M.A.  Yekta Saraç, who  supports  the New Generation University Design and Transformation project, which is one of the important breaking points of our university, and wish success in their studies.


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Atatürk Üniversitesi Rektörlüğü
25240 Erzurum
Rectorship: +90 442 231 1111
Faculty of Open and Distance Education: +90 850 255 0282
Research Hospital: +90 442 344 6666
Clinical Dentistry: +90 442 236 0944

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