Atatürk University


After the 6.8 magnitude earthquake that occurred in Elazig and felt in the surrounding cities, Ataturk University which uses every means available to help the people affected by the earthquake, showed that it was with earthquake survivors with various activities that it made.

By stating our state’s using every means available with all its units and in addition to meticulously made search and rescue operations, all the precautions urgently  taken  to minimize  the loss of our citizens; The Rector of Ataturk University Prof. Dr. Ömer Çomaklı who published  a message due to the earthquake, emphasized that State of the Republic of Turkey is powerful and the Turkish Citizens are self-sacrificing and helpful.

Adding that Atatürk University continues to fulfil every work with its “At the Service of Life” mission, Rector Çomaklı said  these days in which Turkish Citizens have more solidarity , this crisis will be overcome too.

Seismological Evaluation Report Shared With Authorities

Immediately after the devastating earthquake affecting Elazig and neighbouring provinces, the Rector of Ataturk University Prof Dr. Ömer Çomaklı appointed Atatürk University Earthquake Research Center Director Asst. Prof.  Dr. Çağlar Özer, Asst. Prof. Dr. Hamit Çakıcı and Asst. Prof. Dr. Engin Kocadağistan to the region in order to  research and detect  the possible risks and he followed the works closely.

The Earthquake Research Center Directorate and relevant faculty members shared their work that they had done in Elazığ as "Seismological Evaluation Report" with the relevant authorities and conveyed their impressions and determinations to the authorities.

Stating that the main shocks and aftershocks were recorded by the seismic stations of the Seismological Observation Network operating within the Atatürk University Earthquake Research Center, the central authorities said that the Elâzığ-Sivrice earthquake released an energy equal to 12 atom bombs 12 atom bombs when compared to the atomic bomb energy dropped on Hiroshima.

The authorities who conveyed the propagation of more than 700 aftershocks, 20 of which are 4.0 and above since the main shock, and breaking of a 60 km long fault by the Elazig-Sivrice earthquake, stated that the earthquake occurred on the Northern Anatolian Fault(left-lateral strike-slip fault) which is one of the largest fault in Turkey(about 500 km).

The authorities of The Earthquake Research Center Directorate told that the fault consists of 6 segments and the earthquake occurred on Hazar-Sincik segment on which the last earthquake was in 1875 and had the magnitude of  6.7.

"Aid Campaign Has Been Organized with The Slogan the pain  decreases when shared"

On the other hand, Ataturk University staff also supported the aid campaign which was launched with the instruction of Rector Prof. Dr. Ömer Çomaklı and had the slogan of "Pain decreases when Shared" for earthquake survivors in Elazig. A large number of winter clothes, blankets, toys, baby food and diapers collected in this direction were given to AFAD to be delivered to earthquake victims.


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