Atatürk University


The Minister of National Education, Prof. Dr. Yusuf Tekin, attended the opening of the new academic year. Prof. Dr. Ahmet Hacımüftüoğlu, the Rector of Atatürk University, hosted a program in the National Will Hall of the Cultural Center on July 15. The event was attended by a number of academics and students, as well as the following individuals: Minister of National Education Prof. Dr. Yusuf Tekin, Erzurum Governor Mustafa Çiftçi, Erzurum Metropolitan Municipality Mayor Mehmet Sekmen, Erzurum Technical University Rector Prof. Dr. Bülent Çakmak, and former Rectors Prof. Dr. Hikmet Koçak and Prof. Dr. Ömer Çomaklı.

Prof. Dr. Koçak: "Atatürk University is the Engine of the Region"

The 2024-2025 Academic Year Opening Ceremony commenced with a musical recital by Lecturer Dr. Derya Eroğlu and the orchestra team, following the National Anthem and a moment of silence. The event was followed by the Atatürk University Establishment Documentary. The program continued with a speech by Prof. Dr. Hikmet Koçak, the 15th Rector of the university from 2008 to 2016. Prof. Dr. Koçak underscored the significance of Atatürk University for Erzurum and drew attention to the fact that it is an educational center that is the locomotive of the region and continues the mission of a university that was established. Prof. Dr. Koçak, who was also delighted to be invited to such a beautiful occasion, wished the new academic year to be auspicious.

Prof. Dr. Çomaklı: "We Are Proud to Advance Our University"

According to Prof. Dr. Ömer Çomaklı, the 16th Rector of the University, they are experiencing the appropriate honor and joy of advancing Atatürk University, one of the largest and most deeply rooted higher education institutions in our country, significantly beyond its current status. Prof. Dr. Çomaklı expressed his utmost confidence that the university's trajectory toward becoming one of the foremost higher education institutions in the global arena will continue apace. He expressed his gratitude to Rector Prof. Dr. Ahmet Hacımüftüoğlu for his generosity and wished him a successful academic year.

Rector Hacımüftüoğlu: "We are making significant strides toward becoming a world-class research university."

Prof. Dr. Ahmet Hacımüftüoğlu, the Rector of Atatürk University, underscored the institution's progress toward becoming a world-class research university, citing its 67-year historical foundation. Rector Hacımüftüoğlu stated that the university's journey, which began with two faculties and 135 students, continues today with 23 faculties, 13 colleges, 1 college and 1 conservatory, 2,750 academicians, and 7,000 administrative personnel. The event was organized to preserve the institutional memory and to draw strength from its roots.

Hacımüftüoğlu stated that Atatürk University has made significant contributions to Turkey's education system, with over 500,000 students and more than 750,000 graduates. He also noted that the university's graduates are employed in a variety of sectors throughout the country. Prof. Dr. Hacımüftüoğlu expressed his appreciation to the academic and administrative staff who have served from the past to the present. He also thanked the statesmen for their support of the university and stated that they are currently engaged in significant projects in various fields, including international collaborations, research and development studies, social contribution, and entrepreneurship, in order to advance Atatürk University even further in the future.

Hacımüftüoğlu underscored the privilege of being a university student and assured them that they will be provided with academic knowledge and an education that will strengthen the spirit of solidarity. This was his message to the new students who are joining the university. Hacımüftüoğlu expressed his gratitude to all the guests who attended the inauguration ceremony and extended his best wishes to all members of Atatürk University, which has adopted the motto of producing knowledge and serving students, for a blessed new term.

Mayor Sekmen: "We are home to one of the most prominent science centers in the country's higher education."

Metropolitan Municipality of Erzurum Mayor Mehmet Sekmen, who emphasized the significance of the successes achieved in recent years, emphasized that Atatürk University is one of the leading science centers of the country's higher education due to its qualified academic staff and state-of-the-art infrastructure. He also stated that the university has a much wider range of opportunities than in the past. Mayor Sekmen expressed his gratitude to all those who participated in the ceremony and emphasized that the future is a source of optimism for a society that has emerged from the ashes. He also emphasized that the architects of this success are the well-equipped and intelligent younger generations. He also urged the youth to capitalize on these opportunities.

Sekmen emphasized the university's pioneering role in education, emphasizing that it is a significant science center not only for Erzurum but for the entire country of Turkey. He also noted that the successes that the university administration and students will achieve in this process will significantly contribute to the country's development.

Governor Çiftçi: "The Atatürk University is of Great Importance to the Region."

While addressing the 2024-2025 Academic Year Opening Ceremony of Atatürk University, Erzurum Governor Mustafa Çiftçi underscored the critical role that universities play in our nation's capacity to compete globally and attain prosperity. Governor Çiftçi stated that Atatürk University has assumed a significant obligation in this regard and is still providing its country with the scientific infrastructure and graduates it has produced.

Governor Çiftçi emphasized the university's significance in the international arena, stating that it is in an indispensable position not only for its region but also for neighboring countries. Çiftçi expressed his conviction that Atatürk University's achievement would continue to rise, expressing his hope that the upcoming academic year would be advantageous for both students and academics.

Minister Tekin: "Ataturk University is an internationally recognized institution of higher education."

Finally, Minister of National Education Prof. Dr. Yusuf Tekin addressed the audience and conveyed his contentment at being present at Atatürk University during its academic opening year. He underscored that the university has emerged as one of the most significant educational institutions in the world and in our country since 1957. Tekin asserted that Atatürk University is a globally recognized science center in the academic, social, and cultural sectors, and that its graduates make substantial contributions to Turkey's human resources.

Minister Tekin, who addressed the mission of universities in his speech, emphasized that these institutions should be founded on the principles of ancient civilizations, which emphasize reason and science. He also stated that the education system requires constant renewal and change. He noted that the education system in Turkey has been subject to change in the past primarily due to cyclical demands. However, under the leadership of President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan, the system has been rendered more permanent and efficient.

"The New Curriculum Employs a Model That Integrates National Values and Technology"

Prof. Dr. Tekin stated that the primary objective of the new curriculum, the Turkey Century Education Model, is to establish an education system that is in harmony with national values. Additionally, the model will assist students in developing 21st-century skills by emphasizing technology proficiency. Lastly, Tekin underscored the critical role of universities in this process, expressed his confidence that Atatürk University will play a leading role in this regard, and expressed his hope that the new academic year will be advantageous to the entire country's higher education as a result of this initiative.

The program concluded with Atatürk University Rector Prof. Dr. Ahmet Hacımüftüoğlu presenting gifts to Rector Prof. Dr. Hikmet Koçak and Prof. Dr. Ömer Çomaklı in appreciation of their services, as well as to Minister of National Education Prof. Dr. Yusuf Tekin for his visit.

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