Atatürk University


Ümit Kervan, President of the Turkish Health Institutes (TÜSEB), participated in a conference that was conducted at Atatürk University.

The conference was held at the Orhan Yavuz Amphitheater of the Faculty of Science, and it was attended by the Rector of Atatürk University, Prof. Dr. Ahmet Hacımüftüoğlu, TÜSEB President Prof. Dr. Ümit Kervan, Vice President Prof. Dr. Hasan Türkez, Dean of the Faculty of Science Prof. Dr. Turgay Şişman, representatives of the pharmaceutical sector, and numerous academicians.

The introductory speech of the program was delivered by the Rector Hacımüftüoğlu, who underscored the strategic significance of Turkey's domestic pharmaceutical production. Rector Hacımüftüoğlu declared that Turkey could experience a severe drug shortage in the event of an adverse situation, such as a war, epidemic, or embargo, due to the fact that the majority of the more than 2,000 drugs sold in pharmacies are imported. Consequently, domestic drug production is now an unavoidable necessity.

Rector Hacımüftüoğlu: "Our primary objective is to manufacture pharmaceutical raw materials that are strategically significant."

"Our university's pharmacology and chemistry departments are leaders in Turkey and have the quality to challenge the top 100 internationally," Prof. Dr. Hacımüftüoğlu stated, asserting that Atatürk University can play a significant role in resolving this issue. I am confident that the Faculty of Pharmacy at Atatürk University will establish itself as a strategic hub for domestic pharmaceutical production, supported by a robust infrastructure. We have determined that over 2,000 drugs primarily treat diseases with approximately 100 active ingredients as a consequence of our research. We intend to establish core groups for the synthesis of these substances. We will concentrate on pharmaceutical production, with the Ministry of Health, Ministry of National Education, TÜSEB, YÖK, Erzurum Governorship, Erzurum Metropolitan Municipality, and all other stakeholders providing infrastructure and assistance to these groups. Consequently, we will collectively observe that these studies will significantly contribute to the country's pharmaceutical requirements.

"As the University Administration, We Are Prepared to Utilize All Available Resources."

Rector Hacımüftüoğlu emphasized the strategic significance of domestic pharmaceutical production, stating, "We will collaborate with both public and private institutions in this endeavor." We maintain an ongoing dialogue with the foremost pharmaceutical organizations in our nation. We are also represented by the sector today. We are making strides toward our objective of contributing to the domestic and national pharmaceutical production as the Atatürk University administration. At this juncture, I would like to extend my gratitude to all those who have provided us with support and underscore that, as the university administration, we are prepared to leverage all available resources to promote domestic and national pharmaceuticals. He then concluded his speech.

President Kervan: "The mere notion of our dreams becoming reality is thrilling to us."

In his speech, TÜSEB President Ümit Kervan expressed his satisfaction that the organization, which was established with the objective of reducing Turkey's external dependency in the pharmaceutical industry, is collaborating with Atatürk University to accomplish this objective. Kervan, who asserted that TÜSEB, which is entirely composed of scientists, is intensely concentrated on a critical issue such as domestic drug production, underscored the significance of research and development in this field.

President Kervan underscored that TÜSEB is actively engaged in the "conversion of ideas into products" process and is prepared to offer assistance to scientists in all aspects, from the idea stage to production. He stated, "They assess the ideas submitted by universities and scientists and offer assistance in all processes required to convert them into products." In this context, Prof. Dr. Kervan, who stated that the collaboration with Atatürk University is a significant source of excitement for them, emphasized the importance of raw materials in drug production and emphasized the necessity for the private sector, universities, and public institutions to collaborate in this field. Kervan, who commended Atatürk University's resolute approach to domestic and national drug production, expressed his enthusiasm for the university's capacity to transform aspirations into tangible results in pursuit of these objectives. He concluded his speech by stating that TÜSEB fully endorses all initiatives aimed at fostering the domestic and national drug industry.

Additionally, representatives from the private sector underscored the significance of the local drug initiative.

Adil Kaya, the Atabay İlaç Gebze Factory Manager, and Vice President of the Drug, Pharmacy, Health, Science, and Technologies Foundation (İVEK) Board of Directors, a specialist pharmacist, and İVEK Foundation Pharmaceutical Industry and Technologies Commission Member, conducted an evaluation of the local and national drug initiative that is scheduled to be implemented at Atatürk University.

"National Security is also significantly impacted by drug production."

Specialist Pharmacist Mücahit Yinanç underscored the strategic importance of decreasing Turkey's external dependence in the pharmaceutical sector. Yinanç reiterated that the primary protagonists in this process should be the scientists and universities in the country, and they expressed their appreciation for Atatürk University's commitment to this cause. Furthermore, Yinanç underscored the critical role of university-industry collaboration in the production of local drugs, which is of significant significance not only in terms of national security but also in terms of the economy.

"The effective utilization of universities' research and development capabilities is of paramount importance."

Adil Kaya, a member of the İVEK Commission, stated that the production of drugs is at a critical juncture in terms of basic materials and technology. He also stated that the infrastructure and scientific expertise of Atatürk University will significantly contribute to Turkey's domestic drug production. Kaya asserted that the technology development and research capacities of universities should be strongly utilized in the domestic drug production process. He also stated that Atatürk University's projects in this direction will make significant contributions to Turkey's objective of reducing external dependency in the pharmaceutical industry. Furthermore, Atabay İlaç declared that they would be delighted to collaborate with universities in this endeavor and that they will completely endorse the initiatives to be implemented in the pharmaceutical sector of the nation.

The two participants underscored the critical importance of Atatürk University's actions in relation to the domestic and national drug initiative in order to enhance Turkey's independence and strength in the pharmaceutical sector. They also underscored the necessity of fostering greater collaboration between universities and industry.

The Science Faculty and the Eastern Anatolian High Technology Application and Research Center (DAYTAM) laboratories were visited by guests following the program, during which they were informed about the work that had been completed.

Corporate Communications Directorate – September 19, 2024

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