Atatürk University


In order to increase the quality of education, research, social contribution and management activities of undergraduate programs at Atatürk University, peer evaluation processes are carried out after the self-evaluation of undergraduate programs.

In this context, Atatürk University Rector Prof. Dr. Ömer Çomaklı attended the Peer Evaluation Workshop as the Honorary Chairman of the Organizing Committee, which was held by the Quality Coordinatorship at the Culture Center Blue Saloon.  Vice-rectors, faculty deans, university secretary general, members of the organizing committee, academic and administrative staff and students also participated in the workshop.

The aim of the workshop was to evaluate 10 different undergraduate programs at Atatürk University in 2022 with the participation of the university's internal stakeholders and to determine the aspects of these programs that are open to development. 106 participants took part in the workshop, which was held in order to inform the academic staff, administrative staff and students who will take part in the assessment teams during the peer assessment processes.

Rector Çomaklı started his speech by reminding that they held the first accreditation meeting on April 30, 2019. He emphasized the importance of accreditation at the meeting, stating that accreditation increases the quality of education and research, ensures the quality, helps the comparison of diplomas and titles, and facilitates the entry of graduates into professional life.

Rector Çomaklı stated that the internal and external stakeholders of all programs were updated in the last 3 years, the program objectives, course contents and course outputs were reviewed again. "The meetings with the stakeholders were made concrete and student representation in the commissions was ensured." he added.

“A model of excellence in education has been developed thanks to the studies conducted”

“At the end of these studies, system designs were made for the education mission field of our university, and the “Educational Excellence Model” was developed and quality indicator boards were created for education policies, education management, strategic orientation and decision making. Considering the scope of updating the curriculum, a guide was prepared for the dimensions, and guidance service needed was provided to all programs. A guide will be prepared containing the dimensions and work flow charts to be taken into account in the monitoring and improvement process of the updated programs, and the programs will be monitored according to this guide." Çomaklı said.

In order to establish quality assurance systems in education, seminars were given on how to provide the Plan-Apply-Check-Act Cycle (PUKÖ) on the basis of programs and courses at the departments. Course-based evaluation surveys, ECTS surveys, and surveys evaluating the distance education system were made through the system and integrated into the ÖBS system. In addition, under the leadership of the Associate and Undergraduate Education Coordinatorship and the Quality Coordinatorship established within our University, trainings were given on the purposes of accreditation, the main benefits, the formation of commissions, the application period, accreditation standards, the preparation of the self-evaluation report and its annexes.

“We increased the number of accredited programs from 6 to 24”

The number of accredited programs, which was 6 when the Quality Coordinatorship was established, has increased to 24 as of today. In addition, the Institute of Health Sciences has been accredited. The accreditation process of 40 undergraduate programs continues. In addition, it is planned to apply to the accreditation process of 13 undergraduate programs in January 2023, and the studies required have been started. The goal is to accredit all formal undergraduate programs with an accredited institution. The pre-accreditation and peer evaluation of the programs that are not accreditation institutions will be carried out the rectorate.

These quality studies at our university, which have been accredited by YÖKAK for 2 years, will contribute to the full accreditation of the University for a period of 5 years as a result of the interim evaluation in 2023. In addition, all undergraduate programs prepared self-evaluation reports according to YÖKAK criteria, and 10 programs were selected for peer evaluation in the first place. The peer evaluation processes to be carried out will be carried out entirely in the YÖKAK evaluation format and according to the YÖKAK criteria. That's why today's workshop will be a first among Higher Education Institutions as an exemplary practice model to be implemented for the first time in our university for all of us. I think that this workshop will set an example for other universities.” Çomaklı said.

After the speech of Rector Çomaklı, Quality Coordinator Prof. Dr. Bilal Yılmaz made a presentation to the participants about the institutional external evaluation processes carried out by YÖKAK, the criteria in the peer evaluation of the program and the peer evaluation processes, including practices and examples.

Finally, Deputy Quality Coordinator Assoc. Dr. Rıza Salar gave information about the accreditation and self-evaluation processes of the undergraduate programs carried out at Atatürk University in 2022.

The workshop ended with the answers to the questions by the participants.

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