Atatürk University


Commencing operations within the Faculty of Agriculture at Atatürk University, the "Agricultural Museum" was inaugurated with a formal event.

With the knowledge it has gleaned from its origins, Atatürk University, which has significant experience approaching the third quarter century and has been in existence for nearly half a century, continues to take resolute steps into the future. Despite the advancements and upgrades made to its academic and technical apparatus throughout this process, Atatürk University still retains obsolete materials.

Within this framework, Atatürk University has established three additional museums: the Biodiversity Museum, situated in the Research Hospital, houses an extensive collection of artifacts utilized in previous surgical procedures and examinations; the Ice Museum, an adjunct facility within the Faculty of Fine Arts; and the Hospital Museum, situated in the Research Hospital, and the "Agricultural Museum," which contains apparatus and equipment.

The event commenced in the Agricultural Machinery and Technologies Department building, which is situated in direct opposition to the Dean's Office of the Faculty of Agriculture. In attendance were the following individuals representing the institution: Rector Prof. Dr. Ömer Çomaklı, vice rectors, general secretary, deans, and academic and administrative personnel.

"We Act with the Responsibility of Preserving the Historical Heritage," stated Rector Çomaklı.

Prof. Dr. Çomaklı delivered a speech at the commencement of the program in which he expressed delight at the university's reputation for its institutions and claimed that Atatürk University's fortitude enables it to confidently confront the future. Rector Çomaklı declared that they undertook these and analogous measures with the intention of safeguarding historical heritage. They accomplished this by inaugurating the "Agricultural Museum" within the Faculty of Agriculture, one of the nation's oldest institutions of higher education.

According to Rector Çomaklı, this action was undertaken to amass and showcase agricultural artifacts and historical relics of significance, as well as to safeguard numerous examples of agricultural materials that are abundant in our region, which is renowned for its agricultural heritage. He stated, "By examining the agricultural materials on display at the museum and recognizing where we have come from, I consider this museum to be a significant advancement." Our citizens, and particularly our young, are welcome to visit and observe the agricultural progress that our nation has made. We may have observed and utilized these things due to our advanced age, but the current generation is not informed about them. For instance, I believe that our children should visit this museum so that they can comprehend the arduous process that wheat undergoes before reaching the table as bread. Here, the production phases of numerous food and beverage items have been streamlined exceptionally well. "I believe that our museum will also serve the tourism of our city," according to him.

"We endeavor to preserve social memory for posterity."

Çomaklı stated that they undertook an endeavor that would be visible to all sectors of society and preserve institutional memory: "Our objective was to showcase and preserve an assortment of tools, equipment, and materials that have been utilized from the past to the present, with a particular focus on agriculture, or to ensure that the social memory endures for posterity." With this in mind, we conceptualized the hangar situated within our faculty, an area that spans around 600 square meters. As of this moment, we have constructed a museum that is open to the public using agricultural apparatus we were able to acquire and our own resources. He concluded his remarks by stating, "I hope that our museum will be beneficial to our city and country, especially our university, and I would like to thank all the participants."

"Our visitors will have a sense of how agriculture was conducted in the past," said Dean Çalmaşur.

Prof. Dr. Önder Çalmaşur, the dean of the Faculty of Agriculture, commenced his discourse by expressing gratitude to Rector Çomaklı for his endeavors in ensuring that the university acquired this culturally significant asset. Emphasizing the significance of this museum for future generations, almaşur stated, "By viewing the agricultural products on display, our youth will gain an understanding of the methods employed in agriculture during previous eras." Each of the tools displayed here was in use forty, fifty, or one hundred years ago. Those who owned these implements cultivated their fields. Resistance to the rapid pace of societal change has become an impracticable endeavor. This museum is an investment that demonstrates our origins, safeguards and preserves our cultural heritage, shapes our identities, and educates future generations about history. The exhibition of our works in this museum will serve as a model for our region and nation. "In light of the foregoing, I would like to extend my gratitude to our Rector Ömer Çomaklı and all attendees for their unwavering support throughout the museum's development and opening. It is my sincere hope that Erzurum will find value in our institution."

Following the speeches, the museum was inaugurated, featuring agricultural implements from the past to the present. Participants toured the museum and scrutinized the instruments on display following the opening.

Directorate of Corporate Communications – February 16, 2024

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