Atatürk University


The Faculty of Medicine at Atatürk University convened a Conference on Physician Ethics and the Medical Profession as part of its Continuing Medical Education Program.

Assoc. Prof. Sevilay Özmen presided over the Medical Profession and Physician Ethics Conference, at which Prof. Dr. Durkaya Ören delivered the keynote address.

The conference, which was conducted at the Atatürk University Research Hospital Conference Hall, was attended by faculty members, administrators, and deans of the Faculty of Medicine, including Prof. Dr. Fatih Albayrak. Additionally, students from the Faculty of Medicine demonstrated interest in the program.

The conference underscored the critical nature of the medical profession, which entails safeguarding and enhancing human life. Additionally, it emphasized the imperative for physicians to possess and uphold moral principles in the course of their professional endeavors.

Ören, who concluded his 47-year tenure as a physician and retired at the outset of his address, emphasized that medicine is among the earliest and most significant professions in human history.

Ören, speaking on the history of medicine, also referred to as the medical profession, stated that the art of medicine is categorized according to the following regions: Egypt, Mesopotamia, Islam, Greece, China, and India.

"Medicine is simultaneously a science and an art."

Ören asserted that a physician ought to be conscientious of his conduct and attire, serving as a model for society: "Although training programs impart knowledge of the scientific aspects of medicine, the artistic aspects are learned experientially at the bedside in a master-apprentice rapport." Mastery in medicine, which is the definition of being a teacher, entails significant responsibilities. Because holding the position of medical educator is highly regarded. Each educator ought to bear accountability for this. Because the information and experiences imparted by the instructor to his pupils will be passed down to subsequent generations and utilized for the betterment of humanity. In addition to imparting medical knowledge and skills, the instructor instructs students in professional ethics, etiquette, and customs. Medicine is both an art and a science. Surgical professionals, for instance, may also be architects, engineers, estheticians, or painters, contingent upon the circumstances. Aesthetic procedures demand talent, aesthetic sensibility, and vision. "A physician should be trained to know every aspect of a person in this context."

The purpose of the conference, which addressed the moral aspects of the medical profession and proposed solutions to the ethical problems physicians face, was to increase awareness regarding the ethical dilemmas physicians face in the course of practicing medicine and how to resolve them.

During the "Medical Profession and Physician's Rights" conference, which addressed matters including patient rights, ethical considerations of medical interventions, the physician-patient relationship, and ethical guidelines for medical research, the significance of the moral aspects of the medical profession was once again underscored.

Directorate of Corporate Communications – January 4, 2024
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