Atatürk University


Atatürk University became one of the 5 Universities which got Project Support

Atatürk University,Vaccine Production and Antigen Preparation Coordinatorship continues its studies on its studies to fight against coronavirus which broke out in Wuhan, China and has become a global epidemic in a short period of time. Vaccine development project presented by Coordinatorship in April was accepted by Turkey Institutes of Health Coordination Directorate (TÜSEB)  and became eligible for budget support 1 million Turkish Liras.

Vaccine Production and Antigen Preparation Coordination is maintaining COVID-19 vaccine works at top speed, on the other hand, applied with the project "Developing Vaccine Using Two Different Expression Systems Against COVID-19" to the Turkey Institutes of Health Administration (TÜSEB) opened by 2020-LV / R & D-2020. According to the results, Atatürk University became one of the five universities supported by TÜSEB 5 in Turkey for vaccine development.

Rector Professor Dr. Omar Çomaklı stated that the decision to support the project prepared by the Vaccine Production and Antigen Preparation Coordinatorship with a budget of 1 million TL also motivates the University staff working to combat Covid-19 and adds strength to the studies carried out by the university. Having been one of the 5 supported universities in Turkey is proud of being in this area, he said.

Çomaklı underlined that the mentioned project  was also supported by another project funded by the university's own internal resources, with a budget of 550 thousand Liras.

Rector Çomaklı said that the coordinatorship was successful with the project of developing vaccines by using two different expression systems against COVID-19, and congratulated the team preparing the project and the faculty members who worked in the coordination for their success.

Rector Çomaklı: “In the committee established under our vaccine coordination, two faculty members from the Faculty of Medicine,  Microbiology, Pharmacology, Infectious Diseases, and Child Health Diseases, as well as relevant faculty members from the Faculty of Pharmacy and Veterinary Medicine, Faculty of Science, Molecular Biology, Genetic Engineering and relevant departments of the Provincial Health Directorate served in the committee.

The task of this board is to produce vaccines and prepare antigens for all of the parasites, fungi, bacteria, and virus germs, especially against the virus infection. Our coordinatorship, which was established in order to prepare vaccines and antigens for the outbreaks that will occur from now on, has taken a significant distance in this regard. In the light of these developments, I would like to state once again that Atatürk University continues its studies for its country with 63 years of experience, well-equipped personnel, and technological infrastructure. I express my gratitude to the great Atatürk University family who walked with us on this path. ” he spoke.


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