Atatürk University


As one of the results of the New Generation University Design and Transformation Project, which modernizes Atatürk University, makes it more competitive, and provides significant benefits for its ascent to the ranks of the world's top universities, the Scientific Journals Coordinatorship (SJC) maintains its efforts to raise the reputation of the university through peer-reviewed publications, improve the quality of existing journals, and expand the reach of its scholarly output.

Since its foundation on 12.07.2019, the Scientific Journals Coordination Office has been working under the motto "Atatürk University's Gateway to National and International Science" to ensure that scientific journals produced within Atatürk University meet national and international standards.

There are 71 journals covering scientific, medical, and social Sciences.

The Scientific Journals Coordinatorship, coordinated by Prof. Dr. Mustafa Sinan Aktaş, works in collaboration with its stakeholders to ensure that 71 journals in the fields of science, health, and social sciences, which are included in national and international indexes of national and international importance, continue their publication life within the university, both to improve quality and to be accepted by reputable circles within the scope of a common publication policy

"Scientific Journals Offer the Chance to Share Research Worldwide"

According to Atatürk University's rector, Prof. Dr. Ömer Çomaklı, the publication of scholarly articles in peer-reviewed journals is crucial because it allows scholars from all over the world to benefit from the results of their work. Rector Prof. Dr. Ömer Çomaklı, stated, "The aim of our coordinatorship, which was established for this purpose and continues its activities with this understanding, is to ensure that our scientific journals carry out successful studies, to be scanned first in ULAKBIM TR Index and then in indexes such as SCI, SSCI, AHCI on the international platform and to support scientific journals towards this goal."

Rector Çomaklı: "Our Coordination Office promotes the study of scholarly journals."

Rector Çomaklı stated that the Scientific Journals Coordinatorship has the authority and responsibility to represent the chief editor / editors of the journals published within Atatürk University, and that it conducts activities that will contribute to the development of journals in line with the aims and principles in its directive. He added, "Our coordination ensures communication and cooperation between the scientific journals within our university, as well as coordination and the exchange of information with other scientific journals within and outside the university." It provides technical support for the studies of scientific journals and conducts research to anticipate future requirements. Our coordinatorship, which promotes the work of scientific journals, develops projects and methodologies for this purpose, develops projects to promote and assist in the promotion of scientific journals, and seeks and offers solutions to their problems."

"Our Purpose is to Ensure the Continuity of Journals"

Prof. Dr. Çomaklı stated that this action taken to improve the university's publishing standard generated positive results. He stated, "I present this important unit, which we have established to ensure the continuity of journals and to show our support to our academicians dealing with scientific journalism, for the benefit of all scientists. I hope that the publications will be beneficial to the entire scientific community, particularly to the higher education."

To access the website for Scientific Journals Coordinatorship, please visit

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