Atatürk University


Atatürk University Rector Prof. Dr. Ömer Çomaklı shared a message on 18 March Martyrs Remembrance Day and 105th anniversary of Çanakkale Victory. Rector Çomaklı stated the following in his message:

“Stop passenger! This place is where you step on without knowing, it is the place where an age sank.

Bend over and listen, this silent heap is where the heart of a homeland beats. ”

"March 18 is not just a date. Neither words are enough to describe it, nor such a date fits in the calendars. It is an unprecedented canal war. It was not the war of the world, the gun, the ship, the canon, the world was loaded on a piece of land. It was the war of your hands, arms, eyes, and hearts, as if each canon ball sounded the seven candles of the skydome, Süreyya, gathered in the evening red. Canakkale was not a battlefield, in fact, the tomb of the sun's setting for a land of homeland.

It was a defense war that gave the land its homeland, its noble color to the flag, where martyrdom was the ultimate end, faith, faith, courage, love of the homeland covered the trenches in a rare glory.

This homeland; It is the heroes who shout the world that those who know whether they will go or not, who fall like a cover on the ground, who sacrifice themselves without a clue regardless of their age, gender, presence, are those who stand like mountain ranges in the land of the land.

Despite the 105 years that have passed, the spirit of Çanakkale still lives in the heart of each patriot with the same faith and devotion. I commemorate the saint martyrs, veterans, and daring heroes of this struggle, especially Gazi Mustafa Kemal Atatürk. May their souls are blessed and their places are heaven ... "

Professor Dr. Ömer ÇOMAKLI


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