Atatürk University


Atatürk University, where the 98th anniversary of the foundation of the Republic was celebrated with various organizations, attracted a great deal of attention to the activities.

 While the Republic Day Nature Sports Festival, organized by Atatürk University in the Nature Sports Complex, was the scene of colorful scenes, the students had a lot of fun during the activities.

 In the festival area, students rowed in canoes and boats placed in the pool and climbed Turkey's largest climbing wall. In the festival, which witnessed demonstrations about mountaineering and water sports, the human sling was also the focus of attention of the students.

 Rector Çomaklı    offered Cağ Kebab to Students

 Visiting the event area, Atatürk University Rector Prof. Dr. Ömer Çomaklı came together with the students and shared in their entertainment. At the festival, where cag kebab, dessert and tea were also served by Atatürk University, Rector Çomaklı offered cağ kebab to the students with his hands.

 Rector Çomaklı chatted with the students and stated that this festival was held on the occasion of the 98th anniversary of the founding of the Republic, and that such events would continue at Atatürk University. Rector Çomaklı, who stated that they wanted to celebrate the Republic Day first, added that the festival was held both to promote cohesion and to increase sports activities.

 “Republic in    the Historical Process” Panel was Held

 One of the ongoing events within the scope of the Republic Day, the panel named "Republic in the Historical Process from Idea to Action" was organized online by Atatürk University Atatürk's Principles and History of Turkish Revolution Institute on the occasion of the 98th anniversary of the Republic with the participation of panelists from different universities.

 In the panel, the political participation of the Republic since 1923, the political process and Turkey's social psychology by years were mentioned, and the proclamation of the Republic, the difficulties Turkey had in the economic, social and population areas were explained with data. Emphasizing the importance of the National Struggle, which sprouted with the idea of freedom, blossomed with the struggle for independence and came to an end with the establishment of the Republic, the participants discussed the issue from many aspects. The panel, which was recorded in order to be followed in the future, ended with goodwill wishes.

 The Events    Continued with the Concert “Those Shouting İstiklali from Erzurum to Ankara”

 The Republic Day festivities continued with another event, the concert “Those    Shouting İstiklali from Erzurum to Ankara” In the concert held at the July 15 National Will Hall with wide participation, popular vocal artists Onur Şan and Yavuz Değirmenci gave the audience unforgettable moments with their heroic folk songs.

 Ataturk University Rector Prof. Dr. Ömer Çomaklı, vice-rectors, administrators of institutions, academic and administrative staff, students and many citizens attended the concert, and the emotional participants accompanied the folk songs in unison. The night, when Turkish Flags were waved with enthusiasm, ended with gratitude to our martyrs and veterans.

 Republic Day activities will end with the ascent to the summit of Palandöken on the morning of October 29 as part of the Republic Day Summit Climbing event.


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