Atatürk University


Atatürk University Rector. Prof. Dr. Ömer Çomaklı visited Mehmet Sekmen, mayor of Erzurum Metropolitan Municipality.

continuing his visits to strengthen inter-institutional communication and cooperation without interruption,  coming together with public institution managers and NGOs, associations and foundation representatives. Prof.Dr. Ömer Çomaklı became the guest of Mehmet Sekmen, mayor of Erzurum Metropolitan Municipality in this context.

University-Municipality Cooperation Continues At Full Speed

Expressing his satisfaction with the visit, President Sekmen stated that they are working with all their strengths in order to ensure the best cooperation between university and municipality in Erzurum. He stated that they are in constant contact with Prof. Dr. Ömer Çomaklı and that they have undertaken many projects jointly until this time.

Mehmet Sekmen pointed out that Atatürk University, which has contributed to the higher education of the country for more than half a century, is in a very important position for the city and its region, and underlined that they plan to achieve more productive results by bringing together scientific and academic studies with municipal services. Noting that benefiting from this knowledge and skill of Atatürk University, which shows a superior performance especially for agriculture and animal husbandry, will significantly contribute to the added value of the city, President Sekmen thanked Çomaklı for his visit and said that they will often come together to do joint work in the future. .

Consensus was reached on the Joint Projects

Reminding that they have recently visited the units affiliated to the Directorate of Food and Livestock Application and Research Center of Atatürk University, Rector Ömer Çomaklı stated that during the visit, a consensus was reached between Erzurum Metropolitan Municipality and Atatürk University to establish the breeding animal production center that our region needs within the scope of animal husbandry development.

Çomaklı mentioned that it was decided to prepare a protocol for the collaboration of Erzurum Metropolitan Municipality and Atatürk University for the works to be carried out on this subject. He emphasized that the breeder production center will take an active role in the project 'the Eastern Anatolian Nutrient Material Collection Center' planned by Erzurum Metropolitan Municipality and the 'Embryo Transfer' project conducted by Atatürk University.

The visit ended with the desire to establish the relevant working group on the topics discussed and to start the works as soon as possible.


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