Atatürk University


The 36 undergraduate fields of Atatürk University are authorised to utilise the logo of the Turkish Qualifications Framework (TQF).

Subsequent to the Mechanical, Chemical, and Civil Engineering programmes of the Faculty of Engineering, which had previously been granted permission to display the Turkish Qualifications Framework (TQF) logo on their diplomas, Atatürk University achieved a significant milestone by acquiring the aforementioned logo usage right for 36 additional undergraduate programmes. Furthermore, the TQF database was updated to reflect the qualifications of these programmes.

The inclusion of the TQF logo on the diplomas of 36 undergraduate programmes will facilitate automatic reciprocal acknowledgment of credentials from upper secondary education, higher education, internships, and study abroad periods.

This logo, which will enable graduates to pursue professional careers or find employment overseas in accordance with the directive on the recognition of professional qualifications in the European Union, will also facilitate the recognition of academic credentials in Europe and beyond in accordance with the Lisbon Treaty.

Horizontal and vertical student mobility will be facilitated, according to the rector of Atatürk University, Prof. Dr. Ömer Çomaklı, who further asserted that the diplomas of students who successfully complete these programmes will be acknowledged internationally more promptly, thereby expanding their employment prospects.

"The acquisition of competence is the most significant indication that our university offers instruction that adheres to global benchmarks."

Rector Çomaklı: "The learning outcomes of the designated higher education programmes were submitted to the Council of Higher Education after undergoing quality assurance, receiving approval from YOKAK, and being assessed." We express our utmost satisfaction with the successful conclusion of the New Generation University Design and Transformation Project, which awarded the right to utilise the TQF logo to 36 undergraduate programmes. This title is the most significant indication that our university offers an education that meets or exceeds global benchmarks. It is crucial that all university programmes possess this accreditation. I express my gratitude to all those who made contributions, with particular recognition to the Quality Coordinatorship, Associate and Undergraduate Education Coordinatorship, and the Student Affairs Department, who served as the architects of this endeavour. It is my sincere hope that this application, which will expedite our university's international expansion, proves to be advantageous to all.

What is the definition and significance of TQF?

Compatibility with the European Qualifications Framework (EQF) is the purpose of the Turkish Qualifications Framework (TQF), a national qualifications framework that establishes the same standards for all credentials obtained via academic, general, vocational, and training programmes, including primary, secondary, and tertiary education, as well as other learning pathways.

The Organisation of the TQF Board...

Under the direction of the Vocational Qualifications Authority (VQA), the TQF Board consists of representatives from the Ministry of National Education and the Higher Education Council, workers' and employers' unions, professional organisations, and pertinent non-governmental organisations. Its purpose is to ensure the quality assurance of qualifications and conduct all pertinent technical studies.

The national qualifications framework known as TQF has been developed with the intention of aligning with the principles of the European Qualifications Framework (EQF). EQF serves as a standard for all credentials obtained via academic, general, vocational, and training programmes, as well as other learning trajectories, encompassing primary, secondary, and tertiary education.


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