Atatürk University


A communiqué was issued by Omer Çomaklı, the rector of Atatürk University, in observance of International Women's Day on March 8. Rector Çomaklı incorporated the subsequent assertions into his discourse:

A woman is an indefatigable architect of boundless subjects, including the future, the existence of the living order, and the continuation of life and humanity. Women have executed their responsibilities with diligence, commitment, and selflessness, despite frequently being relegated to the periphery, disregarded, and subjugated throughout history.

Respect and esteem were accorded to women in Turkish culture. The significance attributed to women in Islam was exemplified in the Farewell Sermon of our Prophet (SAV). Presently, the status and worth that ought to be attributed to women have transcended their historical era and established a precedent that will endure for posterity. Alongside this value, the liberties that Atatürk granted Turkish women in comparison to many of its contemporaries in the world propelled them to an advance against contemporary civilizations.

Women throughout the world are compelled to endure a lack of these liberties at present. They endure oppression, suffering, and neglect in the workplace due to their geographical location and the conflicts that rage around them.

The date of March 8 is symbolic. It is not a holiday, as is commonly believed; rather, it is a day of observance to honor women who perished as a result of adverse working conditions. Our aspiration is that women, who have been delivered from these challenges and inequities and who are shaping the future, will joyfully enrich existence with color and significance. Best intentions for International Women's Day

RECTOR: Prof. Dr. Ömer Çomaklı
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