Atatürk University


Hosted by Atatürk University with the partnership of Erzurum Technical University and Ağrı İbrahim Çeçen University,  the symposium titled "The First International Current Developments in Basic and Applied Mathematical Sciences (ISCDFAMS)"  has ended.

The symposium was held online between 23-25 May, with many local and foreign scientists taking part as speakers, and various presentations on the field of mathematics were made and theoretical and applied subjects were discussed. The opening speeches of the symposium were made respectively by Vice Rector Prof. Dr. Ayşe Bayrakçeken Yurtcan on behalf of Atatürk University, Rector Prof. Dr. Bülent Çakmak on behalf of Erzurum Technical University,  and Vice-Chancellor Prof. Dr. Önder Şimşek on behalf of Ağrı İbrahim Çeçen University.

In addition to Turkey, more than ten countries such as America, Germany, Canada, Czech Republic, Russia, Azerbaijan, Israel and Serbia participated in the 'International Mathematic Symposium'. Atatürk University faculty member Assoc. Dr. Furkan Yıldırım was the chairman of the symposium. Approximately 150 oral presentations were made online in the symposium within 3 days and shared with scientists.

The symposium aims to contribute to the development of mathematics education

Stating that national and international symposiums and congresses contribute to the academic progress of researchers, symposium president Assoc. Dr. Furkan Yildirim said that the International ISCDFAMS (1st International Symposium on Current Developments in Fundamental and Applied Mathematics Sciences) symposium attracted a lot of attention in this sense. “We need basic sciences so that we can better maintain our current life, better understand what is happening around us, and better recognize the universe we live in. With the symposium we organized in this context, we aim to contribute to the development of mathematical sciences, mathematics education and applications and to bring together members of the mathematics community, interdisciplinary researchers, educators, mathematicians and statisticians from all over the world.”

It was a symposium in which differing views were presented

"We plan to hold the symposium in a way that will reach wider masses in the coming years. We want the name of Erzurum and Atatürk University to be heard and known by more people in the international arena. I would like to thank our Rector, Prof. Dr. Ömer Çomaklı for his valuable contribution to the organization of the symposium in which the science was discussed, the unknown was presented from different perspectives, and most important of all, people from different backgrounds came togther. I also thank the rectors of partner universities, faculty members and all participants, and wish the symposium outputs to be beneficial”.


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