Atatürk University


The Rector of Ataturk University Prof. Dr. Ömer Çomaklı was the guest of Erzurum Journalists Association(EGC).

Rector Çomaklı, who continues his visits to faculties, units and offices, as well as NGOs, associations and foundations, came together with the President of Erzurum Journalists Association Metin Barlak and his management.

Rector Çomaklı, who made evaluations regarding the city and the agenda at the breakfast program,where the vice-rectors, the rector's advisor and the unit and office coordinators were included, shared the results of the search conference on “theFuture of Erzurum” held in December with a large participation.

29 Units wereEstablished within the Scope of New Generation University Vision

Çomaklı who stated that he has a dream of bringing together the scientific and academic studies with all of the city’s stakeholders, said they performed variety of studies in accordance with this and as a result of 19 search conference 29 units were established. Rector Çomaklı stated that these units which were actualized within the scope of New Generation University Vision were working actively and emphasized that Ataturk University took firm steps forward to be a world university.

Rector Prof. Dr.Çomaklı who said, “Qualified scientific researches that concern the society closely are being done in our university." also added “Our scientists are performing leading studies on many fields from health to basic sciences,agriculture to food, from art to sports. They are making significant achievements. Undoubtedly, sharing what is done with the public is as important as what is done. At this point, important roles fall to our personnel at press units. With this awareness, we took an important step in this regard by establishing the Corporate Communication Directorate (KID) unit within the university. News about our university are instantly shared with our society. This unit also functions as the laboratory of our Faculty of Communication. Young communicators have the opportunity to apply their theoretical training through this unit.Our Faculty of Communication is always in contact with our journalists working in the field. We are making these and similar meetings to strengthen this bond.”

Stating that journalism is one of the most important professions of today, Rector Çomaklı finished his words by saying that: “ We are working hard to bring the journalists who have adopted the universal and objective broadcasting philosophy which is suitable to press principle and ethics in journalism industry. On this occasion, once again, I would like to express my gratitude to all journalists working with all kinds of sacrifices under the harsh conditions,day and night, in order to inform the public impartially, correctly and ontime.”

“Atatürk University is Taking Steps that will Accelerate the City”

The President of Erzurum Journalists Association Metin Barlak stated that they are pleased to welcome the Rector Prof. Dr. Ömer Çomaklı and his team and they are following the studies made by Ataturk University closely and in this direction, they are performing studies which will accelerate the city. Stating that Atatürk University is one of the most valuable institutions of Erzurum, President Barlak stated that as the Press of Erzurum, the studies and projects of Atatürk University should always be supported  in all conditions and added that it is very important for Erzurum and in this context, they will continue to do their part as the Erzurum Journalists Association.

The breakfast program, which continues with the question and answer part, ended with expressing good wishes.


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25240 Erzurum
Rectorship: +90 442 231 1111
Faculty of Open and Distance Education: +90 850 255 0282
Research Hospital: +90 442 344 6666
Clinical Dentistry: +90 442 236 0944

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