Atatürk University Erzurum Vocational School was divided into two as Technical Sciences Vocational School and Social Sciences Vocational School by restructuring in line with the vision of Higher Education Council (YÖK) Vocational Schools to raise people with high skills and create employment oriented policies in higher education.
''Our Vocational Schools Will Be the Lifeline of Service Sector ”
Erzurum Vocational School, which is located in Atatürk University campus, has a total of 5863 enrolled students with 21 departments and 31 programs, and continues its education in 6 different places with a large number of classrooms, workshops and laboratories.It was divided into two as a result of negotiations with YÖK considering the UNESCO criteria in order to meet the qualified intermediate staff needs of our country.
Rector Çomaklı emphasized that the importance of the education given by the universities in the career planning of students is increasing day by day and stated that "It is known that the Presidency will start an evaluation process for the graduates of the universities on the employment criteria.For this reason, our Erzurum Vocational School, which has been restructured for the needs of the sector, will be divided into two and will be the lifeline for the need of intermediate staff in our ultimate goal, industry and service sector. ”
UNESCO International Standard Education Classification was Considered
Rector Çomaklı, who made an assessment on the subject, stated that they take into account the studies on restructuring and classification of undergraduate and associate degree programs with similar or similar content in higher education according to UNESCO International Standard Classification of Education (ISCED-F 2013). Çomaklı stated that “Considering the vision of Atatürk University's New Generation Design and Transformation Project, it was compulsory to divide Erzurum Vocational School into two as Technical Sciences Vocational School and Social Sciences Vocational School.In this context, MEYOK convened on 18.10.2019 and discussed the agenda item related to the restructuring of Erzurum Vocational School and decided to submit it to the university senate by unanimously accepting the division of Erzurum Vocational High School into the Vocational School of Technical Sciences and Vocational School of Social Sciences.In this direction; As a result of the decision taken by the University Senate, Erzurum Vocational School was divided into two as Technical Vocational School and Social Sciences Vocational School.In this direction; As a result of the decision taken by the University Senate, Erzurum Vocational School was divided into two as Technical Vocational School and Vocational School of Social Sciences ”
“We are Creating an Important Employment Ground for the Business World”
Rector Çomaklı stated that the knowledge and skills of qualified personnel constitute the basis of economic success. Çomaklı stated that “Professional training is particularly geared towards two purposes.On the one hand, to prepare a successful career path for young people, on the other hand, to train qualified personnel for the economy.Nowadays, the importance of vocational education has increased more than ever in the rapid technological change and the change in construction at the world level.In the light of these findings, we decided to restructure our Erzurum Vocational School, which constitutes an important employment ground for the business world, to make it even more qualified.Thanks to this step, we believe that education and training activities will lead to better and administrative affairs will be easier.
Hoping that the Vocational School of Technical Sciences and Vocational School of Social Sciences will be beneficial to Atatürk University, Rector Çomaklı thanked everyone who contributed to such an important transformation.