Atatürk University


Within the scope of the New Generation University Design and Transformation Project, ”The Future of Erzurum” Search Conference organized by Prof. Dr. Ömer Çomaklı started with the participation of stakeholders.

 In addition to Rector Çomaklı; vice-rectors, acting secretary general, deans of faculties, deputy general secretaries, unit coordinators, central managers and mayors, public institution managers, NGO representatives, and many academicians and sector employees also attended the program organized in Guesthouse 1

Ideas will Lead the Roadmap

The conference discusses the road maps for the future planning of Erzurum within the framework of university-community cooperation, taking into account the New YÖK (HEB) system approach. Emphasizing that universities should concentrate on social contribution, Rector Çomaklı said that the universities that produce information and develop projects that will benefit the added value of the country are the locomotives of the society they are in, and that Atatürk University, acting with this awareness, also performs the necessary studies for the return of the knowledge produced in education and research as a benefit to society. .

Noting that the universities have responsibilities towards the regions they are located Rector of Atatürk University, Prof. Dr. Ömer Çomaklı stated that development means increasing the welfare level of the society in many fielads such as  economy, science, and art. Pointing out that there are many factors that initiate and accelerate development, Çomaklı continued his words as follows: We are conducting 19 Search Conferences of the Next Generation University project that we have initiated within the framework of the vision of the YÖK. We have implemented many projects within the scope of our project, where we have received significant returns until this time. We have not neglected to contribute to our external stakeholders in addition to the structure we have realized within our organization. In this context, we invited public sector executives and sector representatives to all of our search conferences and asked for their opinions. ”

The Conference will continue for 2 days

Çomaklı stated that they carried out the ”Future of Erzurum” search conference on December 21-22, within the framework of the social contribution mission.

Rector Çomaklı stated that the future design and suggestions made during the search conference were personally followed by the President, adding that the outcomes of this two-day conference will be handled in the coming days and turned into a road map.

"Future of Erzurum"  Search conference will continue for two days with the participation of stakeholders.
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