Atatürk University


Infrastructure Strengthening Moves Continue

Atatürk University, one of the most rooted universities in Turkey, has 65 years of education culture. In addition to its success in social contribution, education and research and development, it also continues its renovation and strengthening works in the campus area. In this context, Atatürk University, with all its personnel, is working hard to bring the work done to the new period, especially at the point of renewing the heat plants, asphalt works, landscaping and lodging, and eliminating the deficiencies of the faculties.

Heat loss will be minimized with the work done

Atatürk University, which has one of the largest campus areas in Turkey, provides its heating needs with the help of channels from the central heat plant. These extremely old canals cause problems such as collapses due to stone walls, heat losses due to thermal insulation deficiencies, filling of the canals with water and mud due to water insulation deficiencies, as well as occupational accidents while walking or working due to the narrowness of the canals. These channels,which are under construction, will have a size of 320 meters when completed. In order to contribute to occupational health and safety, there will be escape rooms, ventilation shafts and a lighting system with sufficient space while working and walking. In addition to occupational health and safety, thanks to the geothermal pipes used in the channels, energy losses will be minimized and a modern working area suitable for today's conditions will be created for employees.

Transportation in campus is made healthier

The roads, which were deformed due to weather conditions, were also overhauled before the education period. Necessary arrangements were made by identifying the points that connect the units in the campus and deformed over time. At Atatürk University, where intensively used roads are repaired, vehicle passages are made easier, safer and healthier, transportation has started to be provided by campus residents and daily users without any problems.

Maintenance and repair works continue

The maintenance and repair works, which are carried out regularly every year and started this year as soon as the climatic conditions allow, continue at full speed in the lodgings, faculties and other units. All infrastructure and superstructure elements that are old, worn out or not performing their functions are renewed and made more useful. In addition to the units that have become more functional with the arrangements and innovations made in the areas that students and academic and administrative staff use intensively, it is possible to provide education in accordance with the era with completely modernized buildings.

“The point we have arrived shows we have achieved our purpose”

Emphasizing that contemporary education is possible with a contemporary campus, Rector Prof. Dr. Ömer Çomaklı stated that they closely follow the changes and transformation in the world. “The claim to be a pioneer, which started with the New Generation University Design and Transformation Project, which we started to create the infrastructure from the moment we took the first step on the road and which we have implemented concretely since February 2018, is the point we have reached. It seems to have served its purpose. The fact that the quality education we provide is accredited and registered by the Higher Education Quality Board (YÖKAK) and that the title of Research University, which constitutes a milestone for universities, is given to our university by YÖK enables us to get closer to the goals we have set. As the University administration, we work harder, do research more and produce more in order to be worthy of these titles. We keep both our scientific studies and our physical infrastructure constantly new and act according to the needs of the age.”

“Thank you to our members”

Çomaklı also stated that they achieved their achievements and successes with the devoted efforts of the Atatürk University family, saying: “I would like to thank our members with whom we set out together. We have added new pages to the 65-year success story of our Research University, especially in recent years. We have been the guide. We have contributed a lot to our region, our country and surrounding countries, especially our ancient city, our beloved Erzurum. We offered the best opportunities for our students, who are our most important reason for being here. There are only a few days left until the start of the new period, as Atatürk University, we will continue to work without compromising our understanding of innovation and entrepreneurship, we will continue to produce knowledge and contribute to the development goals of our country by increasing its competitiveness in the international arena.”

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Atatürk Üniversitesi Rektörlüğü
25240 Erzurum
Rectorship: +90 442 231 1111
Faculty of Open and Distance Education: +90 850 255 0282
Research Hospital: +90 442 344 6666
Clinical Dentistry: +90 442 236 0944

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