Atatürk University


Atatürk University has established a tradition of celebrating the fourth of the events within the ambit of World Environmental Awareness Day with a variety of programs.

The Environmental Problems Application and Research Center Directorate and the Solid and Hazardous Waste Management Coordinatorship organize World Environmental Awareness Day, which has been observed annually on June 5 since the United Nations Environment Conference in Stockholm, Sweden, in 1972. The purpose of this event is to increase global awareness of environmental protection practices. Events were held to commemorate the occasion.

The opening of the event, which took place on the university campus, was attended by the coordination management team, academic and administrative staff, students, and Rector Prof. Dr. Ömer Çomaklı, Vice Rectors, Director of the Environmental Problems Application and Research Center, and Solid and Hazardous Waste Management Coordinator Prof. Dr. Zeynep Ceylan.

During the event's opening, Rector Çomaklı emphasized that nature and the ecosystem are entrusted to future generations as a divine manifestation. He also emphasized that the protection of this trust, including all of its elements, and the delivery of it to future generations is a duty, not a choice, for all individuals.

"It is imperative that countries implement their action plans on global warming as soon as possible."

 Çomaklı: "It is important to remember that the melting of the giant glaciers at the poles, which is a consequence of global warming, may result in the submersion of small island states, which are home to over 2 billion people. This will also cause significant problems with drinking water worldwide, as the geography of the world will change and the majority of fresh water resources will be mixed with salt water." In order to prevent the temperature from rising beyond 2.0°C and to limit it to 1.5°C or lower, it is imperative that all nations implement immediate action plans to reduce carbon emissions through radical measures.

Çomaklı listed the measures that can be taken for these problems on a global scale, including in Turkey as follows: "Introducing very serious incentives for reduction and adaptation by reducing greenhouse gas emissions, gradually abandoning fossil fuels in energy production, enriching and protecting forests and other carbon sink areas,
ensuring the sustainability of renewable energy and renewable raw materials by incorporating energy saving in buildings into projects and applications, reducing and zeroing out emissions caused by transportation, building, agriculture, and waste, managing wastes correctly, recovering and recycling them, and putting them into production as semi-finished raw materials instead of production from scratch. It is of the utmost importance to safeguard our underground and aboveground assets by ensuring that our resources are safeguarded to the greatest extent possible, and that awareness-raising and training are maintained in order to increase societal awareness of climate change and to develop permanent solutions to a multitude of issues through rigorous scientific research.

The health of the planet will be significantly impacted by each action taken.

According to Prof. Dr. Zeynep Ceylan, the Director of the Environmental Problems Application and Research Center and Solid and Hazardous Waste Management Coordinator, World Environmental Awareness Day, which is observed annually on June 5, is this year marked by a variety of events and campaigns: "World Environmental Awareness Day is significant because it emphasizes the importance of preserving biological diversity, protecting natural resources, combating climate change, and managing waste." Experts underscore the importance of the intentional utilization of resources, including water and energy, in order to ensure a sustainable future. Individuals and societies are encouraged to demonstrate greater environmental consciousness on this significant day. It is asserted that the health of the planet will be significantly impacted by every action taken to conserve energy and water, recycle refuse, and prevent environmental pollution.

Prof. Dr. Ceylan: "It is important to remember that safeguarding our environment is a crucial aspect of safeguarding our future."

Ceylan asserted that the Directorate and Coordinatorship have conducted significant work on these issues. She stated, "We, in collaboration with our team of experts in their respective fields, organize numerous events and training programs to increase environmental awareness. Our objective is to increase social awareness in order to reduce the carbon footprint and maintain the healthy functioning of ecosystems." Additionally, we implement awareness campaigns. We aimed to emphasize that even the smallest actions performed by each person can result in significant changes through the activities we conducted today. It is important to remember that safeguarding our environment is also a means of safeguarding our future. On World Environmental Awareness Day, we can collectively take environmentally favorable measures to create a more livable world. "With these feelings, I would like to thank all stakeholders and participants who supported us, especially Rector Prof. Dr. Ömer Çomaklı, who contributed to the organization of the events, and I hope that our event will be beneficial."

The program has continued throughout the day and includes outdoor activities, interviews, seminars, photography and design exhibitions, music concerts, painting activities, competitions, and workshop activities all in the spirit of World Environmental Awareness Day. The opening ceremony concluded with Rector Çomaklı's exhibition and stand visits, following the visits to the Composting Facility, Biodiversity Science Museum, Ice Museum, and Agriculture Museum.


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