Atatürk University


The "Outstanding Young Scientist Awards Annual Scientific Evaluation Meeting (GEBİP)" has concluded, which was hosted by Atatürk University and organized by the Turkish Academy of Sciences (TÜBA).

After an intensive three-day program, the event, which was organized by GEBİP, which rewards young scientists who demonstrate exceptional research and promotes qualified research in Turkey, and TÜBA, which provides financial and academic support to exceptional young scientists, was successfully concluded. In the Traditional TÜBA-GEBİP Annual Evaluation Meeting, which encompasses the presentation and evaluation of the academic activities, award-winning scientists, who are also natural members of TÜBA, convened at numerous locations throughout Atatürk University.

Conferences with an emphasis on artificial intelligence were conducted.

Opening speeches were delivered on the first day of the program, featuring President Prof. Dr. Muzaffer Şeker of TÜBA. Muhsin Kar's "Global Economy: Quo Vadis?" followed. The scientific sessions that were conducted during the program, which continued with the conference, focused on the findings and research conducted in various disciplines. In this context, Prof. Dr. Hacı Ali Mantar delivered his presentation titled "The Effect of Artificial Intelligence on Economic Added Value," Prof. Dr. Bahadır Kürşat Güntürk delivered his presentation titled "Current Status and Future Expectations in Artificial Intelligence," and Prof. Dr. Hüseyin Şeker delivered his presentation titled "The Power of Data and What It Empowers."

Questions Regarding Project Evaluation and Development were Addressed

On the second day, the GEBİP award-winning young scientists conducted concurrent and interactive sessions in the fields of Science, Engineering Sciences, Health and Life Sciences, and Social Sciences to present their scientific projects and the work they have conducted in the past year. After the sessions in which issues related to the evaluation and development of the projects were discussed, the TÜBA-GEBİP Annual Evaluation Meeting concluded with a social program organized for the historical and cultural areas of Erzurum. The general evaluation session was attended by all award winners and academy members.

Networking Opportunities and Social Events

Participants had the opportunity to establish connections and engage in social activities during the event. Scientists were able to communicate and exchange experiences outside of the formal setting through events such as cultural excursions and dinners. The establishment of new initiatives and the establishment of scientific collaborations were facilitated by these social events.

A Step Forward for the Future

The Annual Scientific Evaluation Meeting and Young Academy Conference of the Outstanding Young Scientist Awards, which were hosted by Atatürk University, were regarded as a promising development for Turkey's future in the field of science and technology. The occasion provided a significant opportunity to enhance the motivation of young scientists and guide them toward greater success. The continuance of such events will make significant contributions to the field of science, as emphasized by TÜBA President Prof. Dr. Muzaffer Şeker and other participants.

"The meetings will enhance the scientific capabilities of our nation."

Rector Prof. Dr. Ömer Çomaklı emphasized the significance of the three-day event hosted by Atatürk University in terms of disseminating the university's research to the academic community and introducing the ancient city of Erzurum. He stated, "Such meetings and conferences facilitate the exchange of scientific research and innovations, as well as assist young scientists." It significantly contributes to the development of their vocations and the expansion of our nation's scientific capabilities. I am certain that the highly productive sessions will provide a clearer understanding of the country's higher education. He stated, "This valuable partnership between Atatürk University and TÜBA will continue to illuminate Turkey's scientific future."

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