Atatürk University


Atatürk University Handball Men's Team completed the Inter-University Super League Handball Championship undefeated and enjoyed the championship for the first time in its history.

Atatürk University, which contributes to the development of students with its cultural, artistic and sports activities in addition to the quality education it provides, continues to make a name for itself especially with the successes it has achieved in sports tournaments.

In this context, Atatürk University, which participated in the Inter-University Super League Handball Championship organized by the Turkish University Sports Federation (TÜSF) on May 18-23, 2022, returned from the tournament with the championship. The success of the handball team, which completed the tournament undefeated in which 6 teams competed for the Super League championship, was greeted with joy at the University. Atatürk University Rector Prof. Dr. Ömer Çomaklı stated that Atatürk University, which is at the top of the TÜSF ranking every year with the medals and trophies it won, will show the same success this year, and that they have already won the first place in many tournaments and that they wholeheartedly believe that they will complete the year with a record number of medals.

"We attach great importance to scientific research, increasing academic quality and performing more social activities with the aim of the New Generation University Design and Transformation Project. We are also happy to see that we get the reward for this with the successes achieved. With these thoughts, I congratulate our students and coaches who made us proud by completing the tournament undefeated, and wish them success in their education and sports lives.” Çomaklı finished his words.

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