Atatürk University


Mohammad Hassan Habibollah Zadeh, the Ambassador of the Islamic Republic of Iran to Ankara, visited Atatürk University and engaged in discussions with the university administration. Ambassador Zadeh was accompanied by the Consul General of the Islamic Republic of Iran in Erzurum, Mr. Mohammad Ebrahimi, during the visit. The visitors, who were hosted by Prof. Dr. Ömer Çomaklı, Rector of Atatürk University, engaged in a discussion regarding the enhancement of bilateral relations and the expansion of university collaboration.

Prof. Dr. Ömer Çomaklı provided comprehensive information regarding the history, mission, and vision of Atatürk University during the visit. Rector Çomaklı underscored the importance of fostering the academic development of the deep-rooted affinity and neighborly relations between Turkey and Iran. Çomaklı stated, "The future of both countries will be influenced by our cultural and academic connections with Iran." The establishment of collaborations between our universities can enhance the character of our scientific research and education.

Ambassador Zadeh expressed his gratitude to Atatürk University for its hospitality and noted that Iran and Turkey possess significant potential in the areas of education and research. Zadeh stated, "The joint projects that will be established between our universities will make significant contributions to the youth of both countries and regional development." It is of paramount significance to our shared future that we transcend borders in the fields of education and science.

The objective of the visit was to concretize academic collaboration.

Student exchange programs, joint research initiatives, and academic staff exchange were also addressed during the meetings. The decision was made to establish new areas of educational cooperation and to sign mutual agreements between the universities of the two countries. Furthermore, scientific conferences and seminars were conducted, with a focus on the concretization of academic collaboration.

The Consul General of the Islamic Republic of Iran in Erzurum, Mr. Mohammad Ebrahimi underscored the significance of Erzurum and Atatürk University in the region's development during his speech during the visit. "Erzurum is a significant center of the region due to its historical and cultural heritage," stated Consul General Ebrahimi. Our academic and cultural relationships will be fortified by the robust collaboration we will forge with Atatürk University.

The parties exchanged presents and conveyed their mutual goodwill at the conclusion of the visit. A group photo was taken to commemorate the visit, and Rector Çomaklı and guest ambassadors expressed their enthusiasm for future joint studies and initiatives.

Corporate Communication Directorate – July 13, 2024
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