Atatürk University


Continuing his visits abroad to strengthen bilateral relations and make new international agreements, Atatürk University Rector Prof. Dr. Ömer Çomaklı paid visits to Iran's East Azerbaijan State Universities and Iran's West Azerbaijan Universities in this context.

During his visits, the delegation including vice-chancellor Prof. Dr. Mustafa Sözbilir, advisor to the Rector Prof. Dr. Medine Güllüce, Foreign Relations Office coordinator Prof. Dr. Taşkın Öztaş, head of Persian Language and Literature Department Prof. Dr. Nimet Yıldırım and Research Hospital Deputy Chief Physician Assoc. Dr. Zülküf Kaya accompanied Rector Çomaklı.

Within the scope of the visit, Rector Çomaklı first met with Çetin Taner, Consul General of Turkey in Tabriz. They evaluated the relations with Iranian Universities.

The delegation, headed by Rector Çomaklı, then respectively visited Iran's East Azerbaijan State Universities including Tabriz University, Tabriz Medical University, Sahand Technology University, Tabriz Islamic Arts University and Bonab University, and Urmia University and Urmia Medical University, which are known as Iran's West Azerbaijan Universities.

"Protocols covering many fields have been signed"

Agreements have been reached on education and research-fccused exchange of students and academic staff with Iran-Azerbaijan universities, conducting joint scientific studies (projects, publications, patents, trademarks, congresses, symposiums, etc.), providing double diploma and joint consultancy services in determined programs, health tourism with medical universities and the activation of the mobility of trainees and experts. In addition to the bilateral cooperation protocol, a preliminary agreement protocol has also been signed with Tabriz University for the opening of graduate joint diploma programs in the field of Agriculture and Veterinary.

“Bilateral cooperations will continue increasingly”

Commenting on the visits, Rector Çomaklı pointed out that the bilateral cooperation works in line with the national and international leadership mission, especially with the universities in the nearby geography, have increased in terms of quality, and that they aim to conduct closer and more effective works with friendly and brotherly Iran-Azerbaijan State Universities.

"Joint graduate programs will be started, joint scientific studies and activities will be organized, and researchers will be supported to visit Atatürk University within the scope of bilateral agreements. Turkey and Iran are two neighboring countries with a deep rooted history in the region. These two countries that share the same geography have many common points in terms of their civilizations. We, as Atatürk University, want to strengthen these historical relations dating back to the past. We believe the visit will contribute to the strengthening of these relations." Çomaklı said.

Rector Çomaklı also noted that the relations between the people of the two countries of the Islamic world, which have a deep-rooted history, arising from history, geography and civilization, have turned into cooperation in the fields of economy, tourism and education. He finished his speech saying: "I would like to express my gratitude to everyone who gave us a warm welcome during the visit, and I wish that the cooperation made will be beneficial to both countries.”


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